Demonetisation can permanently damage India’s informal economy

On November 8, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that ‘the 500 rupee and 1,000 rupee currency notes presently in use will no longer be legal tender from midnight’.
This step of demonetisation was taken ostensibly for curbing black money and counterfeit currency notes.
As per Reserve Bank of India (RBI) figures, the higher denomination notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 constitute 86.4 per cent of the total currency in circulation in the economy, by value. Therefore, with the stroke of a pen, the government nullified 86 per cent of the currency in the economy.

Trump Wins: Welcome to the new world

Modern history will record November 8, 2016 as the day when the United States of America officially decided to vote for a global retreat – from the heady rhetoric of ‘Let’s make the world a better place’ to “Let’s make America great again”.
Americans have voted for building a wall to protect what they have, against the dream of global dominance. This surely marks the end of the uni-polar world as we know it.

American party in Rio: There’s no sin below the equator

By Lyuba Lulko | Pravda | August 23, 2016 This heartbreaking story made headlines in all American newspapers and television channels. When American swimmers were robbed at a gas station in Rio de Janeiro, the reports about the incident appeared as “breaking news” in most of US publications. It has been recently revealed, however, that […]

South Africa’s FM: BRICS synergy is growing

South Africa’s collaboration in BRICS is aimed at contributing in a positive manner to the formation of global solutions to global challenges, says Nkoana-Mashabane [XInhua]
The BRICS Post (TBP) editor-in-chief Zeenat Saberin recently interviewed South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Maite Nkoana-Mashabane about the challenges of violence the continent faces, and the prospects of regional and global cooperation.

Syria, India call for rejection of foreign influence in internal affairs

India’s junior Foreign Minister Mubashir Javed Akbar met Assad in Damascus on 20 August 2016 [Image: Ministry of External Affairs, India] The BRICS Post | August 22, 2016 During a weekend meeting with an Indian official, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has invited India to play an active role in the reconstruction of the Syrian economy. India’s junior […]

BRICS economies moving away from recession

The currencies of three BRICS economies have steadily strengthened against the US dollar in recent weeks.
Brazil’s real, Russia’s ruble and South Africa’s rand have benefited from a ‘pause’ in the momentum to raise interest rates, particularly in the US.
All three countries have battled recession in contrast to BRICS members China and India, which are forecast to grow 6.7 per cent and 7.6 per cent, respectively, in 2016.
The rand is up nearly 15 per cent against the dollar in 2016 after suffering a significant slump in mid-2015.