Vladimir Putin just spoke at the most important geo-political event of the year

Russian President Vladimir Putin is in Astana along with the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in a ceremony and conference welcoming India and Pakistan to the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).
Putin spoke of the need for further cooperation on all matters of mutual interest ranging from trade to anti-terrorism measures. Putin’s speech which emphasised the need for unity between Asia and Eurasia and spoke of using the SCO as a means to help and better coordinate China’s One Belt–One Road trade project.

India leads global growth in OECD report

BRICS is home to 43% of the world’s population [Xinhua]
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is calling on major developed and developing countries to find new ways to ensure that globalization succeeds.
In its latest economic outlook published on Wednesday, the organization of 35 countries said that global economic growth in 2017 and 2018 was expected to pick up pace but was still not sufficient to “sustain strong gains in standards”.

Here’s the MOST IMPORTANT thing Vladimir Putin said in St. Petersburg

Vladimir Putin’s lengthy Q and A session at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum was filled with Putin’s typically thorough responses to major contemporary issues. However, while most people focused on his remarks pertaining to the situation in Syria and Libya, as well as the infamous non-relationship with Donald Trump, Putin’s most important remarks were largely ignored.

Foreign Ministers of Russia and China agree on North Korea and Syria (VIDEO)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Moscow to discuss a wide range of issues.
The two leaders have frequent meetings as part of Russia and China’s joined membership of the BRICS economic cooperation union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation as well as discussions on China’s ‘One-belt–One road’ global trade and infrastructure project. The Russian organised Eurasian Economic Union also looks to play a major role in China’s future plans for modernising global trading mechanisms.

Non-Alignment and Dissent to Challenge US-Russia-China’s New World Order

In groups of people there are always bullies who feel entitled, for no particular reason, to want more than the rest and to dominate the others in complete disregard of the common good. Fortunately for convivial people, bullies tend to have the psychological subtlety of dominant male gorillas who beat loudly on their chests and fight over food and females. Therefore bullies often annihilate each other. The more serious social problems occur when they collaborate to gang up on others.

Reclaiming Relevance: BRICS And The New Multipolarity

The association of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, popularly known as BRICS, finds itself at an interesting juncture in its existence. After limited success in restructuring international financial institutions, which was the stated intention of the forum, the BRICS governments established the New Development Bank that has been functioning for more than two years. At a time when[Read More...]

Russia Preparing For Potential Removal From International Banking System

(MPNIn 2011, a Swiss study confirmed what many already knew or suspected: bankers run the world. The study, completed by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, found that “a large portion of control flows to a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions,” essentially forming a network of global corporate control.