BRICS Summit Provides a Clear Alternative to Intellectual Mush of Cultural Relativism

It has become far too popular among North Americans to look cynically upon the developments occurring in Eurasia and Africa today under the guidance of China’s One Belt One Road Initiative as simply another form of imperialism which is preparing to replace the Anglo-American imperial order that has controlled the world since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

From Hostility to Warmness: Why has Brazilian President Changed his Aggressive Anti-China Actions?

By Paul Antonopoulos | October 8, 2019 In an interview with DW Brasil, former Brazilian ambassador to Beijing, Marcos Caramuru, revealed the great interest Chinese companies have in potential infrastructure work in Brazil. Even with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro showing initial hostility towards China during his 2018 election campaign, his opinion appears to have changed given the huge […]

BRICS Needs a Unified Front Against US Intervention in Venezuela

Venezuela’s destabilisation by the US is understood best by the countries that have faced imperialist interference. Cuba’s revolutionary process, for example, has produced consistent political solidarity with Venezuela and is actively urging countries to reconsider their stance as regards the US sanctions which are creating severe humanitarian consequences.

Brics Was Created as a Tool of Attack: Lula

Former Brazilian leader wishes emerging economies were closer, recalls Obama ‘crashing’ Copenhagen climate meet
In a wide-ranging, two-hour-plus, exclusive interview from a prison room in Curitiba in southern Brazil, former Brazilian president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva re-emerged for the first time, after more than 500 days in jail, and sent a clear message to the world.

Putin, Lavrov and Xi Call for an End to MAD. Lord Russell’s Spectre Frowns

Authored by Matthew Ehret via The Strategic Culture Foundation:
The spectre of nuclear war has long hung over the world like a nightmarish sword of Damocles offering humanity much cause for despair at the dual nature of science as a beautiful source of creative power that uplifts and ennobles on the one hand and acts as a harbinger of death and chaos on the other.

Narendra Modi wins big in elections, vows to make India great (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Narendra Modi big election victory in India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi retained a strong majority in India’s parliament, as his party delivered a “massive victory” against chief opponent Rahul Gandhi in the general election.
Modi follows the trend of patriotic nationalism that is sweeping the globe, as successful world leaders do away with globalism and focus their attention inward, towards their country and its citizens.