How BRICS Plus Is Challenging America’s Economic War on Iran

The key take away from the BRICS summit in Johannesburg is that Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – important Global South players – strongly condemn unilateralism and protectionism.
The Johannesburg Declaration is unmistakable: “We recognize that the multilateral trading system is facing unprecedented challenges. We underscore the importance of an open world economy.”
Closer examination of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech unlocks some poignant details.

Chinese President Xi promotes ‘BRICS Plus’ in keynote address (FULL VIDEO)

Chinese President Xi Jinping has welcomed his BRICS colleagues and observer states to the opening of the 9th annual BRICS summit in Xiamen.
During his speech President Xi called for a more inclusive BRICS that would see Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa cooperating more intensely with other nations in order to open up mutually beneficial economic opportunities for all parties.
Xi said,