Brianna Wu

Former Republican Congressman Joe Barton Proudly Explains How He And His Cronies Helped Destroy Planet Earth

Joe Barton (Villain-TX)Republican former Congressman Joe Barton is a 70 year old energy lobbyist now. Once he was the all-powerful chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee as well as the dean of the Texas congressional delegation. His dream was the deregulation of electric and gas-- and everything else. Barton, one of Congress' most corrupt members, was the ultimate climate change denier.

Is The DCCC Blacklist Backfiring?

The Republican wing of the Democratic PartyA reminder: As soon as Blue Dog/New Dem Cheri Bustos grabbed the DCCC chair for herself, she instituted an aggressive new policy aimed at progressives challenging Blue Dogs and New Dems (like herself). She officially declared that any campaign consultants, vendors, polling firms, strategists or operatives who worked for a campaign running against an incumbent would be blacklisted by the DCCC.

Sheldon Adelson vs Bernie... Plutocracy vs Democracy

A nexus of pure, unadulterated evil-- Trump and the AdelsonsSheldon Adelson bought the biggest newspaper in Las Vegas for 140 million dollars. His net worth is something like 32 billion dollars and he represents the interests of the far right Likud Party among Republicans in the U.S. His bribes to Trump are over $25 million. He gives immense sums to Republicans in Congress.

Pelosi Or AOC? Most Democrats Prefer AOC

The DC Establishment doesn't, but most regular Americans agree with AOC on this oneDo you remember last month when Hoyer gave the OK for Henry Cuellar (Blue Dog-TX) and Gregory Meeks (New Dem-NY) to surreptitiously circulate an anonymous memo among House Democrats purporting to have polling info showing that AOC-- and the Squad in general-- are being used, successfully, by the GOP to define the Democratic Party and that the four freshmen congresswomen

The Older A Voter Gets The Less They Care About The Climate Crisis And The More They Admire Status Quo Joe

I often speak with candidates who tell me they support the Green New Deal, eventually revealing they don't really understand what it is or nit even what the frame work is. AOC's House Resolution 109 is not a proposed law, just a resolution "recognizing the duty fi the federal government to create a Green New Deal.

There Are Members Of Congress Who Don't Understand The Urgency Of The Climate Crisis-- Take Cheri Bustos And "Energy Expert" Sean Casten

Bustos and Casten-- Climate IncrementalistsCorporate Dems in Illinois really are spearheading the effort to keep the fossil fuel industry alive. New Dems, Blue Dogs and Vote-For-Sale Democrats are moving quickly to normalize false "solutions" to the climate crisis and to make them acceptable to the public.