
LIONEL PODCAST: The Corrupt Shillary Media and the Hijacking of the 2016 Election

Devoid of message and vision. But plenty of feigned mirth and overreaction. Loaded with schmaltz and hype. Contrived merriment and infectious glee substituting for a determined plot and plan. The first woman, the progressive, her turn – whatever. But never a word about qualifications, record and platform. Though she does have “experience.” As Willie Sutton had banking experience, I suppose.

LIONEL PODCAST: A Corrupt and Vile Candidate, DNC Leaks Focus Doom, Let’s Blame Russia, Debbie’s Sick Betrayal, Millennials Double Crossed by Bernie, Bankrupt Policies and Distracted Vision

It’s mind boggling the treachery and perfidy that’s now become a bloodsport. Behold the uncut version of “Debbie Does DNC” – well, was supposed to. Thrown under the bus, tossed aside and sacrificed. Yanked from her platform but repackaged as an HRC higher-up. Blatant and hiding in plain sight. Simply amazing. Media apparatchiks double down on pro-HDR defense and excuses. Memes and tropes, images and flashbacks. Keep the folks confused. Prestidigitation and political sleight of hand. Watch the jiggling keys, crying baby. Just watch Queen Hillary.

The Times They Are a Changing

There can be little doubt that we are living through an extraordinary, and in many ways unprecedented, era. Times of uncertainty and tremendous upheaval for sure, but also positive times, in which large numbers of people are becoming energised and politically engaged. Political parties in many countries are fracturing, as internal differences surface and the old dualities of left and right fail to respond to the needs and demands of the people.

Boris Johnson: il ne faut pas confondre Brexit et isolationnisme

1ère sortie réussie pour Boris Johnson : auréolé de sa décision de redevenir un état souverain, le Royaume-uni marque déjà des points à l’ONU et confirme que « Brexit ne veut pas dire isolationnisme », au contraire !Le nouveau ministre britannique des Affaires étrangères, Boris Johnson, qui fut l’un des principaux chefs de la campagne pour la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union europée

Stephen Lendman on Brexit on “It’s Our Money”

BREXIT, FREXIT, GREXIT – where’s everybody going? The recent vote in the United Kingdom to get out of the European Union is a telling example of how ill-served citizens in the political/financial union are feeling about their status. Such feeling suggests the potential for contagion with other European nations souring on the control of the […]