
LIONEL PODCAST: Hairsplitting and Parsing, Dissecting and Analysis — Higher Order Synthesis

The most beautiful words ever enunciated and the most surely under threat of extinction. Broadly inclusive yet exquisitely imprecise. Magnificently vague in coverage yet the first line of defense against tyranny of expression and thought and the expression of the simple idea. The troublesome idea. The noxious and noisome. This is the essence of who we are as a republic. Let me explain and give examples accordingly. 

Misrepresenting the People

The recent article “League of Nationalists” in The Economist (19-11-2016, pps. 51-54) sets out to answer the question: “All around the world, nationalists are gaining ground. Why?”
Despite noting that “many countries are shifting from the universal, civic nationalism towards the blood-and-soil, ethnic sort”, the authors agree that “comparisons with the 1930s are fatuous.”

Primaires de droite - Destitution de F. Hollande - Bienfaits du Brexit

François Asselineau analyse l’actualité récente au 23 novembre 2016.00:09. La procédure de destitution de François Hollande peut elle aboutir?04:26. Le « crime de haute trahison » retiré de l’article 68 de la constitution en 2007.11:02. Le « complot contre la sûreté de l’État » retiré de l’article 68 de la constitution en 1993.19:05. Soupçons de trafic d’influence entre Emmanuel Macron et Patrick Drahi (BFM TV)21:15. Le premier tour des primaires de la droite confirme le naufrage des sondages et des prévisions des grands médias.30:07. La situation s’aggrave en Grèce.35:50.