
Watch: Are England’s Forests Disappearing?

(REPORT) — If has been a year of bad omens for the UK’s natural world.
One in ten wildlife species are now at risk of extinction, the landmark State of Nature report announced in September. In sheer numbers, one in six of the country’s animals, birds, fish and plants have already been lost.
The UK is now “among the most nature depleted countries in the world”, it warned.
Into this state of affairs, entered Brexit.

LIONEL PODCAST: Pharisaical Self-Righteousness in the Hillary Clinton Camp

It’s a mental illness. An inability and refusal to confront and address the obvious. Hillary Clinton lost. Donald Trump won. In the few weeks Obama has taken every side on every position.  Russia did, Russia didn’t.  Hillary was robbed, Hillary screwed up.  I failed, I was a success.  I have brought hope, there is no hope.  Everything is wonderful, everything sucks.  The FBI is right, the FBI is wrong.  
Hegel is very impressed.  But he’s still waiting for the synthesis.

From White to Black: The Colours of Brexit

While the shattering Brexit vote of June had a deservedly chilling impact in Brussels and other European capitals, the grey suits have been busy pushing various lines on the consequences Britain faces for leaving the European Union. The technocrats in Europe will be making sure they make things as difficult as possible.  Back in London, rhetoric and deflection is in heavy supply.

LIONEL PODCAST: CIA/FBI Say No Evidence of Russian Hacking But the MSM Spew Hacking Lies With Renewed Vigor

Create the meme. And keep repeating it. Don’t worry, Americans don’t read, research and have the attention span of a gnat. They don’t question connections alleged as to Putin and Russia somehow affecting and throwing the election. Why would a voter care what Podesta’s emails contained or alleged? It’s preposterous and redefines specious. And your MSM question not and nothing.