
British Fingerprints in Dirty Tricks Against Trump

By Finian CUNNINGHAM | Strategic Culture Foundation | 21.01.2017 Britain’s divisive Brexit politics are playing out through the new US presidency of Donald Trump. It seems that a faction within the British political establishment which is opposed to Britain leaving the European Union has joined forces with American intelligence counterparts to hamper Trump’s new administration. […]

Western political emotions run high for the wrong reasons

When NATO was bombing civilian targets in Serbia in 1999, it was still possible to have a calm debate about this devastating issue in the West. The same held true when Bush and Blair invaded Iraq in 2003, causing the death (according to an article in The Lancet) of over a million people.
But such rational debates where friends remain friends and acquaintances leave on good terms. are becoming increasingly impossible.

BRICS growth steady but Brazil falters – IMF

Global economic growth will hit 3.4 per cent in 2017, the IMF said, but the world’s second-largest economy will grow by only 6.5 per cent in 2017 [Xinhua]
China’s fiscal stimulus has helped edge its GDP growth upward, the International Monetary Fund said on Monday, but India’s domestic consumption retreated in the face of demonetization and pushed economic growth down.

Senator Laura Ingraham? Would You Rather See A Senator Billie Joe Armstrong?

In a display of startling intellectual dishonesty-- even for someone as laughably dishonest as Hate Talk Radio host Laura Ingraham, she has certainly changed her tune on Russia since Trump crawled out from underneath his reality TV celebrity. And she's now considering a run against Tim Kaine for his Virginia U.S.

France’s Marine Le Pen spotted inside Trump Tower

Photos have emerged of French Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen in the lobby of Trump Tower.
Le Pen’s people are being tight lipped about whether she will meet with Trump or members of his team, but I find it hard to believe that she’s there for the ambience alone.

Marine Le Pen in Trump Tower
— Sam Levine (@srl) January 12, 2017

DN attackerar Katerina Janouch - och misslyckas totalt

Katerina Janouch utsätts just nu för en häxjakt av svensk media. DN stämplar henne som rysk agent samt rasist, och dom kontaktade hennes förlag och försökte sätta press att sluta sälja hennes böcker.Vad var då hennes brott?Hon berättade sanningen om Sverige i en intervju med tjeckisk TV. Hon sa saker som hela tiden bekräftas via nyheter från Göteborg, Ronneby, Malmö, etc.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Myopic and Intellectual Incoherence of the Alt-Left

Myopic modern day liberalism never scared the imperialists. And why should it? The corporate state and statism are the enemies. The infantilized alt-left with its preoccupation with social issues of no consequence like multiculturalism and diversity and transgender bathrooms subverted the argument. It’s not politics. It challenges nothing of consequence. Not neoliberalism, imperialism, globalism, nada. They are the party of not-Trump. They’re defined in the inverse. Corporatocracy, the military and prison industrial complexes remain sacrosanct, inviolate and unchallenged.

An Ocean Apart, But United In Concerns About Hate Crimes

The English Defence League marches in Newcastle calling for the repatriation of immigrants in the wake of the EU referendum vote. (Photo: Twitter)
(ANALYSIS) — A divisive vote, with jobs and immigrants the most combustible issues. An outcome that surprised the experts. A nation left on edge, with many anxious about intolerance and the violence that can stem from it.