
BREXIT: Queen Gives ‘Royal Assent’ To Article 50 And ‘London Bridge Is Down’ – Aftermath Of HRH Death Revealed

21st Century Wire says…
HRH Queen Elizabeth II had her hands full today alongside her provision of ‘Royal Ascent’ which clears the way for Prime Minister Theresa May to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and begin to withdraw the United Kingdom from the European Union.

BREXIT: The Greatest Trick the Old Elites Ever Pulled…?

With Article 50 due to be triggered imminently, we might naturally ask ourselves again what it is that the ‘Brexit’ process is meant to lead us towards in the long-run. ‘Shock Doctrine’, Child Poverty, Ultra-Capitalism ‘On Steroids’ and the UK’s potential future as a corporate tax-haven are just part of the picture feared by some. And […]

Here’s why the London elite will be silently wishing for a Le Pen victory

For years, the main parties of the UK have had virtually no relations with the Front National of France, the party founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen and currently led by French Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen.
Even though many, including myself, are predicting that Le Pen will be the next French President, the UK elite still have virtually no communications with her or her party.

George Galloway may be coming back to UK Parliament

Last month saw the death of a long-time British Labour MP Gerald Kaufman. Kaufman was a beloved figure in Parliament and was remembered for taking a keen interest in Palestinian freedom, recognising the importance of Jews such as himself working with Muslims, Christians and all others for a common cause based on the notions of human rights and justice for Palestine.

BREAKING: Scotland to have new independence vote

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has detailed her intention to hold a referendum on Scottish independence.
Although a referendum on Scottish independence was held in 2014 which was narrowly won by the ‘remain in UK’ side. However, with Scottish people voting strongly against Brexit, the issue of independence is very much on the table. In 2014, the word Brexit did not exist and the natural assumption was that Scotland was voting to remain in a UK that would forever be in the EU.
Now, the pro-EU population of Scotland find themselves faced with new realities.

Britain’s Commonwealth after Brexit: History is repeating itself once again

Recently, members of The Commonwealth of Nations (still often referred to as The British Commonwealth) met in London to discuss the feasibility of a post-Brexit trade deal. The idea that Britain ought to have closer trade relations with The Commonwealth rather than Europe is not a new idea, in fact it predates the European Union by half a century.
The idea first came to pass in the late 19th century. Liberal Imperialist politician turned Conservative/Unionist Joseph Chamberlain proposed tariff reform often called Empire Free Trade/Imperial Preference.

Entretien avec François Asselineau, officiellement candidat à l’élection présidentielle

C’est officielFrançois Asselineau, président de l’Union Populaire Républicaine, a obtenu les 500 parrainages nécessaires pour participer à l’élection présidentielle. Le 22 janvier dernier, nous avons pu nous entretenir avec lui à l’occasion de l’une de ses fameuses conférences.