
BREXIT: Full text of Britain’s farewell letter

Yesterday British Prime Minister Theresa May signed a letter addressed to the EU, informing the EU that Britain is invoking its right under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty to quit the EU, thereby formally commencing Britain’s Brexit process

Today that letter was hand delivered by the British government to Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, and to the rest of the EU leadership in Brussels

Marine Le Pen blasts the BBC for wanting to start WW3 with Russia (Video)

Just weeks ahead of the French presidential elections, Front National candidate Marine Le Pen sat down with the BBC’s Emily Maitlis to discuss Brexit, Putin and NATO.
Le Pen did not hold back, dishing out realpolitik answers to the BBC’s neo-liberal propaganda…

Key Le Pen moments:
On US policy toward Russia…

“The previous American administration put the Berlin Wall on wheels and pushed it back to Russia’s borders.”

BREXIT: British PM signs the longest handwritten divorce letter in history

An old English aphorism says that ‘British elections are the lull before the lull’. Increasingly, the Brexit process is conforming to this notion.
Hours ago, the British Prime Minister signed what can now be termed the longest letter of intent in history. The letter, whose text is still unknown, declares Britain’s formal request to withdraw from the EU; the triggering of Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty.

Britain about to invoke Article 50, formally initiating Brexit, as Scotland prepares to secede

With full parliamentary approval behind her, British Prime Minister Theresa May is due to invoke Article 50 tomorrow, formally initiating Britain’s Brexit process, at the same time as the Scottish Parliament has just voted to hold a second independence referendum.
This affair has been absurdly protracted, entirely as a result of Theresa May’s own indecision.

The anti-establishment movement is bigger than Wilders, Le Pen, or Trump

Because the mainstream media have both an unrelenting neo-liberal/globalist/post-cultural agenda as well as a tendency to speak simplistically about deeply manifold subjects, there will be plenty of gloating form the likes of CNN and state owned British broadcaster BBC, over the fact that The Dutch Freedom Party led by Geert Wilders came second and secured far fewer seats than many had predicted.

Hungary’s leader proclaims open revolt against EU, liberal media and finance capital

Hungary’s strongly Euroskeptic prime minister Viktor Orban has made one of his most passionate denunciations yet of Brussels bureaucracy and globalist forces.
Speaking at a commemoration of the 1848 revolutions which swept Europe, including Hungary, Orban said Europe was in a “state of revolt” against Brussels, the “liberal media” and “insatiable global capital.”

A Greek perspective on Donald Trump, Brexit, and media hysteria

It’s a typical winter’s evening in Athens. This has been a cold winter, and the air is brisk. And wherever I go, the sweet smell of “success” is in the air. By “success” I am referring to none other than the vaunted “European dream,” and the “success story” of the Greek economy, as described by Greece’s former prime minister Antonis Samaras in late 2014, and as often repeated—even if not in those exact terms—by Greece’s “first time left” prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, far more recently.