
Teasing Theresa: The EU, Brexit And The British Elections

It took little time for political leaders in the European Union to start dangling the carrot in front of a wounded British Prime Minister.  Theresa May’s defeated victory in the British general elections had barely sunk it, and the comments, even invitations, were being issued by various European leaders. This all lies in the interpretation of the British election result. [Read More...]

May’s Pact with the Devil

Former Conservative Chancellor George Osborne, now editor of the London Evening Standard, calls Theresa May “dead woman walking”. Another former minister Anna Soubry says: “She is in a desperate position. It is untenable….”, while according to former Education Secretary Nicky Morgan she cannot lead us into another election and a leadership challenge is possible during the summer.

Beware the Poisoned Chalice

Unsurprisingly, Jeremy Corbyn is walking around with a permanent grin on his face. He is rightly delighted with the achievement of the Labour Party in Britain’s recent general election. Given the two years of relentless abuse and ridicule that’s been heaped upon him by the mainstream media, together with the appalling treachery of most of his fellow Labour MPs who tried, but failed miserably, to oust him as leader, the result of the June 8 ballot was a ringing endorsement and validation of his remarkable accomplishment.

REVERSE BREXIT? Macron Signals to May That UK Can Remain in the EU

21st Century Wire says…
If you are paying attention, you will see more and more stories positioned by the mainstream media steering the public away from a ‘Hard BREXIT’ and reminding people that, ‘the public mood has changed since the referendum,’ and that ‘maybe it’s easier for Britain to just stay in the EU.’

Är Brexit är på väg att rinna ut i sanden?

Jag har våldsamt motstridiga åsikter om Brexit.Hade jag varit britt hade jag helt klart röstat för ett EU-utträde. Av demokratiska skäl, inte av främlingsfientliga.Som svensk får jag en smula panik av att britterna tänker dra. De har inte sällan varit de enda vettiga människorna i EU – i vart fall i många frågor. De har stoppat en hel del av Bryssels galenskaper. Utan dem kommer EU att bli sämre och värre på många sätt.

THERESA MAY & the DUP: Moral Hypocrisy, State-Sponsored Terror & Why This Feels Sinister…

It is not all that often that something happens that seems to conveniently bring together so many of the different subjects I’ve been talking about recently. In this case, concerning Theresa May and the DUP, this article manages to string together multiple subjects I’ve been posting about previously, including false-flag terrorism, MI5 and state collusion […]

The British election outcome will not stop Brexit. Here’s why

The aftermath of the British election has inevitably led to discussion about its effect on Brexit.  Some people fear and others hope that it will either stop Brexit from taking place entirely or will so water Brexit down as to make it essentially meaningless.
Nothing could be further from the truth, and a good starting point to explain why is to look first at the two party leaders: Prime Minister Theresa May and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.