
Are Yemeni Kids, Like Palestinian Kids, Children of a Lesser God?

It seems the UK trains killers and supplies weapons with no regard for the humanitarian consequences.
The toxic situation (by which I mean the continuing mega-slaughter of innocents) surrounding the Saudi crown prince’s royal welcome to London will have reminded many of the Vietnam-era chant of peace activists in response to the lies and blunders and excuses at that time: “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?”

UK now the slowest growing major economy on Earth

The British GDP saw retarded growth statistics for the fourth quarter of 2017 at just 0.4% on its second growth estimate. The annual 1.4% was also below the quarter’s year-to-year initial estimate of 1.5%.
About 80% of British GDP comes from the service sector, which is where the majority of growth occurred. Falling to the floor of the G7 growth table, the UK was the slowest growing major economy in the world during 2017. Business Insider carries the report:

How Brexit Won World War Two

Two British Second World War dramas are among the leading contenders for Academy Awards this year. Dunkirk, about the 1940 evacuation of British troops from France, received eight nominations, including Best Picture and Best Director for Christopher Nolan. The Darkest Hour, showing Winston Churchill becoming Britain’s wartime Prime Minister, has six nominations, including Best Picture and Best Actor for Gary Oldman.

George Soros Is Funding Campaign to Stop UK Split from EU

Leaked document links George Soros to the 'Best for Britain' activist group that is lobbying for the UK to stay in the EU. The group is trying to sway public opinion and is targeting MPs to convince them to vote against the final Brexit deal. So far, he has given over $554,840 to the group through his Open Society Foundation. [...]

UK COLUMN: Fake Russian Plots, Fake Syrian Chemical Attacks, Freemason Journalists in Parliament

As BREXIT negotiation continue to go in circles, more phony Russian plots are being spun, along with more dubious reports of supposed ‘chlorine attacks’ are staged by the UK govt-funded White Helmets in Syria, and the uncomfortable truth that there are Freemason Lodges for Journalists working in the UK Parliament, and ITV runs #FakeNews story about Bitcoin.

UK Column anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest co-host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE.