
Addressing Sheffield’s Festival of Ideas: DiEM25 is here to help heal the rift between progressive Remainers and progressive Leavers – audio, 18 APR 2018

Ladies and gentlemen, the main reason for being here tonight is to use, in our capacity as the Democracy in Europe Movement – DiEM25 -, to press whatever resources we have into the service of healing the rift between progressive Remainers and progressive Leavers. We have enough divisions in the UK, we have enough divisions in the EU, we do not need another one along the lines of Brexit. Yes, we at DiEM25 campaigned, along with Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell, Caroline Lucas and others for a radical remain. But I am not here, tonight, as a Remainer.

UK COLUMN: British Intel Now Claims Syria Involved in Skripal Case and More

The latest UK ‘intelligence’ claims that somehow Syria was involved in the supposed “Novichok” in Salisbury on March 4th. This incredible epiphany comes at the exact time when the US and UK are trying to convince the public that the Syrian government launched a “chemical attack” against its own people in Damascus.

Expulsion of Russian diplomats portends troubled times

By M K Bhadrakumar | Indian Punchline | March 27, 2018 The mass expulsion of Russian diplomats by some countries of the European Union and North America on Monday is an unprecedented and intriguing development. First, the US alone accounts for some two-thirds of the expulsion – 60 diplomats. Curiously, even Britain, which is apparently […]

Poll Shows More Britons Favoring Brexit Than Keeping Northern Ireland

Sputnik – March 27, 2018 Opinion surveys have shown British attitudes becoming increasingly fragmented and polarized, with radically different views about the country’s future. A poll commissioned by the London-based LBC Radio station and published on March 26 has shown that a greater proportion of the British population support prioritizing the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union than retaining […]