
Salvini slams EU for not negotiating Brexit talks in “good faith”

Already skeptical of the administrative activities of the European Union, Italian League Party leader and Italian Interior Ministry Matteo Salvini is criticising the EU for negotiating Brexit talks with London in ‘bad faith’. Salvini seems to personally perceive that Brexit is a very good thing for the British people, and a demonstration that the people of the nations of Europe can stand up against major international bureaucracies which sometimes hamper personal and national freedoms.

English farmers fear that Brexit will lead to crops rotting in the fields

British farmers are increasingly concerned that they will lose their farm hands if some sort of visa situation isn’t worked out for seasonal workers after the Brexit is accomplished. Over 99% of harvesters are cheap labour imported from eastern Europe, well over 85,000 in number, and if a visa plan isn’t soon determined, many of Britain’s farmers face catastrophe.
Sky news reports

Soros inspired petition aims at banning Steve Bannon from entering UK (Video)

At 87, Billionaire George Soros is pledging another $18 billion of his fortune to his neo-liberal Open Society Foundation (leaving Soros with a personal wealth of $8 billion) to further “support” European Union initiatives that continue to destroy and destabilize the nation-state.
In May, Soros addressed the European Council on Foreign Relations, issuing a warning that “the European Union is in an existential crisis. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.”
Europe’s existential danger is “no longer a figure of speech… it is the harsh reality,” said Soros.

British army on standby in case of no-deal Brexit

The British government is in full on prepper mode right now, gearing up for the possibilities and problems that could come about as a result of a no-deal Brexit. The army is on standby to ensure peace and stability as well as to provide an infrastructure for the delivery of crucial supplies such as food, medicine, and fuel, especially in areas which could be the most prone to shortages. In order to provide for this scenario, the British government is also stockpiling necessary supplies.

Richard Branson says Brexit is “saddest thing that’s happened” to Britain (Video)

Billionaire globalist founder of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson expresses his disappointment with the Brexit vote in an interview with David Rubenstein in the latest episode of “The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-to-Peer Conversations”.
Branson told Rubenstein that Brexit is “the saddest thing that’s happened” to Britain and many people were misled.
Branson noted that if another vote were to take place, he believes the ‘stay’ vote would win.

UK looks to China for post Brexit trade

Britain is on the lookout for who will be its trading partners once it has consummated its divorce from the European Union. British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt traveled to Beijing in order to further develop ties and to try to get the ball rolling on a post Brexit trade arrangement. Not only is Britain looking to find a deal with China, but with each member of the EU, in particular France and Austria while on his current trip to develop trade ties.
AFP reports

Spanish Prime Minister’s minority coalition loses budget battle

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez holds the reigns of power with the help a minority coalition with a very thin grasp. His tenure is brand new and now he’s in a position to test the strength of his ruling coalition in a battle of the wills on one of the most fractious of governmental issues: budget matters. A vote came up on Friday with a new plan to balance the budget in which Sanchez’s allies withheld their support, which could show that perhaps this coalition isn’t really united where it counts.

British public destroys Theresa May with 16% approval for handling of Brexit negotiations (Video)

According to a poll conducted by YouGov for The Sunday Times newspaper, the British public overwhelmingly oppose UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit negotiations with her EU partners.
To make matters even worse for a failing May, the poll also showed that more than a third of voters would support a new right-wing political party committed to quitting the European Union.

Letter from Britain—Lost in a Brexit Maze: a Baffled Political Class Dreads the Prospect of Jeremy Corbyn

The British Establishment wants to protect the expanded privileges it inherited from Margaret Thatcher’s neoliberal legacy but appears clueless about how to deal with an increasingly rebellious British public, as Alexander Mercouris explains. By Alexander Mercouris in London Special to…Read more →

Trump: The De-Globalizer?

Looks like Trump is running amok with his “trading policies”. Not only has he upset the European Union, which doesn’t deserve any better, frankly, for having been and still being submissive vassals against the will of by now 90% of Europeans; but he has also managed to get China into a fury. Well, for China it is really not that important, because China has plenty of other markets, including basically all of Asia and probably increasingly also Europe, as Europe increasingly feels the need for detaching from the US.