
“The EU declared war and Theresa May played along” – Interview in The NewStatesman

In 2016, shortly before the EU referendum, Yanis Varoufakis warned that the UK was destined for a “Hotel California Brexit”: it could check out but it could never leave. The former Greek finance minister spoke from experience. In 2015, his efforts to end austerity – “fiscal waterboarding” – were thwarted by the EU (a struggle recorded in his memoir Adults in the Room: My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment).

Pour débloquer les négociations sur le Brexit, la Grande-Bretagne doit expier un péché impérialiste : la partition de l’Irlande. Par Robert Mackey

Source : The Intercept, Robert Mackey, 24-10-2018
En plus des points de contrôle fortifiés aux points de passage frontaliers, l’armée britannique a également effectué des inspections ponctuelles des véhicules à l’intérieur de l’Irlande du Nord pendant les décennies de guerre civile. Photo : Watford/Mirrorpix via Getty Images

Will The U.K. Face Up To The Catastrophe BREXIT Has Become?

I just returned from Istanbul on Sunday evening and I'm happy to share some of the observations I had while I was there-- even beyond the fact that when I first went there in 1969 the only Americans who went there were looking for cheap dugs and that today it's the same thing, except instead of hash they're buying pharmaceuticals that are too expensive back home-- before I forget them all, likely by this evening.

Theresa May survives another week in ongoing Brexit fiasco (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Theresa May’s Brexit survival, as the UK Prime Ministers appears to be heading to Brussels so she can coordinate with EU technocrats in order to meet a November deadline to move the unpopular agreement through all channels of British government.
It is still a very fluid situation. May has made it through a tough weekend where support to oust her never materialized, but the week ahead is anything but certain. For now May’s Brexit position looks secure.

Talking to KPMG about Brexit – 27 September 2018

Whether or not you agree with his politics, there’s no denying that Greece’s one-time Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis, offers a lot of food for thought to British businesses. The economist, politician, author and dedicated European reformer addressed our KPMG Executive Exchanges dinner in Leeds in late September. Theresa May, Brexit, Angela Merkel, deflation, the northern powerhouse, idle liquidity and Michel Barnier were all given the Varoufakis treatment in a thought-provoking analysis of the world as he sees it.

Chris Hearld, North Regional Chair