
After a hard BREXIT the EU, not the UK, may be suffering from the break up (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Theresa May’s last stand on Brexit, which appears more and more like a hard Brexit is on the way and once the dust settles the UK will be better off for it.
The real loser in all of this Brexit fiasco may be the European Union.
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Talking Brexit, Bernie and Left Internationalism with Yanis Varoufakis – VICE

Varoufakis talks to us about what he’s planning with the veteran US politician, why Jeremy Corbyn has been slow to support his campaigning efforts in Europe, and whether it’s possible for the UK to “remain and reform” inside the EU.

VICE: Can you start by telling me about your trip over to the US. What plans do you have in the pipeline with Bernie?

May Days in Britain

It is hard to envisage sympathy for a person who made a name as a home secretary (prisons, detentions, security and such) taking the mast and banner of her country before hopeless odds, but inadequate opponents will do that to you.  Vicious, venal and underdone, the enemies from within Theresa May’s own Tory ranks resemble the lazily angry, the fumingly indulgent.  These are the same men, and a few women, who managed to derive enormous satisfaction from a Britain pampered and spoiled by EU largesse but questioning of its bureaucracy and demands.  Patriotism has an odd habit of making one ja

Which Trump Ally Is More Dangerous To America-- Vladimir Putin or Matt Bevin?

This is kind of a Part II of the Brexit post from earlier this evening. There are plenty of Democrats-- including many who I like and respect-- who don't believe that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was significant. I disagree, extremely so. I'm far from a Clinton supporter, but I feel absolutely certain that Trump would not be in the White House today had Putin not decided to make a big push to put him there.