
A delay in BREXIT Article 50 may be on its way (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a quick look at a BREXIT deal that may now be delayed well past the scheduled exit of March 29 of this years.
The mood has shifted considerably in the last week, from confidence that a no-deal Brexit was an inevitability, to a now ever present, public doubt that a Brexit will even take place as voted by the UK populace.

Theresa May’s no-deal Brexit suffers defeat (Video)

Theresa May’s government suffered an embarrassing defeat in an amendment designed to prevent a no-deal Brexit. The amendment attached to the Finance Bill signals that there is a parliamentary majority against leaving the European Union without a deal.
May’s government went on the attack after the amendment passed, accusing MPs of being “irresponsible” and attempting to “frustrate” Brexit preparations.
MPs however have vowed to support any subsequent parliamentary bid to prevent a no-deal Brexit.

British Gov’t Stages Fake ‘Potemkin Traffic Jam’ in No Deal BREXIT Ploy

It’s perhaps the ultimate metaphor, albeit an ironic one.
In one of the most bizarre bits of government-run theatre imaginable, Theresa May’s government staged a completely fake traffic jam in Kent – supposedly to ‘simulate a domestic crisis’ which would be wrought upon the nation in the event of a “no deal” Brexit.
The HGV trucks were lined up along a runway at a disused airfield near Ramsgate in Kent, before being led on to the adjacent motorway to give the appearance of a large tailback all the way to Dover.

At the Edinburgh Festival, in conversation with Jeremy Corbyn on reviving socialism, with Maria Alyokhina (Pussy Riot) on despotism, and with Shami Chakrabarti on liberty

In 2018, the good people behind the Edinburgh Festival kindly invited me to host a series of discussions under the title KILLING DEMOCRACY? My remit was: Further to explore the question of whether the current form of financialised capitalism is devouring democracy, reflecting on my work with the Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25). In a series of four events I tried to explore the ways in which the demos can be put back into our democracies.

Tribal Nationalism vs Global Unity

Change, discontent and uncertainty are some of the most prominent characteristics of the times. These interconnected terms are routinely used to describe global affairs and are key factors animating the global protest movement as well as the growing tide of nationalism. Both movements arise from the same seed, one is progressive and in harmony with the new, the other is of the past and seeks to obstruct and divide.

Brexit Armageddon

London, New Year’s Eve 2018.
It is a very English middle-class trait: the world will end if the price of a certain life style goes up. Certain services will be cut. Access to certain travel destinations might be restricted. (The usual European haunts in France and Spain rendered dearer if not inaccessible.) But there is no denying that the attitude to the New Year from this side of the world is one of gloom made normal.

UK Parliament Declared Theresa May’s Government in Contempt for Hiding Legal Advice About Brexit

Theresa May withdrew her proposed Brexit deal before it could be voted upon because she knew it would fail - she even tried to keep the damning legal advice from the attorney general about the deal hidden from parliament. That caused Theresa May's government to be declared in contempt of parliament.