
May survives ‘no confidence’ vote as UK moves towards March 29 deadline or Article 50 extension (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the ‘no confidence’ vote that UK Prime Minister May won with the a slim margin…meaning that though few MPs have confidence in her ‘Brexit withdrawal’ negotiating skills, they appear to have no problem allowing May to lead the country towards its Brexit deadline in March, which coincidently may be delayed and eventually scrapped altogether.

Theresa May’s Conservative government survives no-confidence vote

Co-Written by Robert Stevens and Chris Marsden Theresa May’s government survived a no-confidence vote Wednesday night brought by Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. MPs voted by 325 to 306 with all 314 MPs of her divided Conservative Party voting to keep the government in office. They were joined by the 10 MPs of the Democratic Unionist Party and an independent[Read More...]

UK parliament votes down Prime Minister May’s Brexit deal

Co-Written by By Robert Stevens and Chris Marsden MPs voted by a massive majority Tuesday evening against Prime Minister Theresa May’s proposed deal with the European Union (EU) on the terms of Britain’s exit from the bloc. May was defeated by a majority of 230, with 432 MPs against the deal and just 202 for in the biggest vote against[Read More...]

Jeremy Corbyn Tables Vote of ‘No confidence’ in May & Tory Brexit Shambles

Tonight the faltering Tory government led by Theresa May is may face the ultimate survival challenge – facing a vote of ‘no confidence’ following a motion tabled by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
Should May and the Tories fail to win the upcoming vote by simple majority – it will automatically trigger a new General Election, one which could open the door for Corbyn and Labour’s ascendancy.
To move follows a week of fall outs over the PM’s handling of her much maligned Brexit deal which was eventually voted down by the UK parliament on Tuesday.

Time of Monsters: Faltering Regimes in London, Washington & Paris are Portents of Uncertainty

By George Galloway
Despite the thrashing around of the NATO disinformation apparat, the imperial heartland has entered 2019 in a state of complete chaos.
Washington, London, and Paris – the three capitals of the Empire – are today effectively ungoverned, shutdown, tottering on the brink of collapse or under siege by their own people.