
We Get To Vote Again On Trump Next Year But Poor England May Never Get Another Chance To Vote On Brexit

Thursday, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn the the House that "After the last few days of government chaos and some defeats, all of us now have the opportunity and the responsibility to work together to find a solution to the crisis facing this country, where the government has so dramatically failed to do so.

Kommer Brexit att rinna ut i sanden?

Läs min senaste krönika hos Mårtensson:Kommer Brexit att rinna ut i sanden? »"Även om jag själv sympatiserar med britternas vilja att lämna EU, så tror jag att detta kommer att bli en långdragen historia. Så långdragen att man till slut kommer att hitta något sätt att krångla sig ur en Brexit helt och hållet – när dammet väl har lagt sig.

Analysis: China’s Silk Road Eyes G7 Nations

Russian and Chinese Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping at the Kremlin, Russia on 4 July 2017. The Silk Road runs through parts of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and aligns with Russia’s strategic interests [PPIO]Thirteenth Century adventurer and explorer Marco Polo opened Europe to China when he journeyed from his home in Venice to then capital Peking (now Beijing).
He chronicled his trip on the legendary Silk Road in a series of writings which introduced Europeans to the splendor and wealth of China.

Britain needs to choose its dominant Brexit strategy – The Telegraph

Imagine that we knew the day of our death. Our lives would change drastically. Though we know we shall surely die, not knowing precisely when the mortal coil will be shuffled off makes all the difference, allowing us to live life productively on a day-by-day basis. For exactly the same reason, the fixed deadline embedded in Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty guaranteed that nothing good would come out of the Brexit negotiations.

Hezbollah Becomes Theresa May’s Latest Scapegoat In her Battle for Political Survival

Having lost considerable influence in Europe and other parts of the world over the chaotic Brexit process, Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May is seeking to gain leverage by boxing-in Hezbollah. British politics under the Conservative government not only appears to have lost the plot, but many may not be faulted if they also ask whether May has lost her marbles as well.

SHAMEFUL! May and Corbyn fold on Brexit. Delay and 2nd referendum on the table (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s announcement that if her deal or a no-deal Brexit is rejected by MPs in the House of Commons, then her government will propose delaying the UK’s exit from the European Union.
In a similar retreat, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn announced that his party will either table or support an amendment backing a second Brexit referendum this week.