
UK COLUMN: Mueller’s Failure Explained, Brexit’s Constitutional Crisis

After 2 years of investigations, Robert Mueller’s epic tome has finally been turned in, and surprise, surprise – it contains no ‘Trump-Russia Collusion’. We unpack some of the main points of the report and how the media  are in meltdown now that the biggest political hoax in US history has finally run aground. 
Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen break down the top early week news stories.

EU leaders dictate Brexit terms to Theresa May (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss how EU leaders have agreed on a plan to delay the the Article 50 process which effectively postpones Brexit beyond the 29 March deadline.
The UK will now be offered a delay until the 22nd of May, only if MPs approve Theresa May’s withdrawal deal next week. If MPs do not approve May’s negotiated deal, then the EU will support a short delay until the 12th of April, allowing the UK extra time to get the deal passed or to “indicate a way forward”.

‘I will take over as Brexit Party leader’: Nigel Farage back on the frontline

Via RT

Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage has announced that he will lead his new Brexit Party into the European elections if UK MPs decide to delay Brexit beyond May 22.
Farage, who has ostensibly appointed himself leader, told various media, including the BBC and Sky News on Friday morning: “I will take over as leader of the Brexit Party and lead it into the European Elections.”

Bercow blocks Brexit vote, May turns to EU for lifeline (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Theresa May’s latest Brexit dilemma, as House of Commons Speaker John Bercow, shocked the world by citing a 1604 precedent that now effectively blocks May’s third go around at trying to pass her treacherous Brexit deal through the parliament.
All power now rests with the Brussels, as to how, if and when the UK will be allowed to leave the European Union.

Britain And The EU: The Problems With Brexit

Does anyone remember Nigel Farage? He led the UK Independence Party and the ‘leave’ EU vote — along with his last minute ally Boris Johnson who hoped to push himself up to prime minister. Farage is still around as a Member of the European Parliament representing south-east England, a job soon to be redundant when Britain leaves the EU. Boris[Read More...]