
Nigel Farage crushes EU globalists. Signals to Macron, vote NO to Article 50 extension (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Nigel Farage’s rebuke of EU MP Guy Verhofstadt arrogant and ignorant speech before the EU Parliament, where the Belgian globalist claimed that some time in the future the UK will be fully under the control of Brussels, ‘where it belongs.’
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BBC Question Time, Sheffield 27th March 2019

“Britain needs a People’s Debate on its business model and its Constitution independently of how Brexit pans out… The most sensible way would be for the UK to exit the EU but stay in both a Custom’s Union and the Single Market for an indefinite period (though not forever). After the People’s Debate is complete, a People’s Vote can decide whether Britain rejoins the EU or drops out of the Single Market, the Customs’ Union or both…”

Theresa May’s final attempt to please her globalist masters (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the latest Brexit news, where British MPs will be asked to approve only parts of Theresa May’s terrible Brexit deal, as fear of a no deal Brexit fast approaches, pushing the elite in Parliament to side with May’s outright surrender deal negotiated with Merkel and Co.
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Why Norway plus gives Britain the time it needs to get out of its Brexit mess – op-ed in The Telegraph

Brexit is, undeniably, important. The Prime Minister’s faulty negotiations have now turned what the majority of the British people considered an opportunity into a national crisis. However, now is perhaps the moment to reflect that, in an era of trade wars, geopolitical realignment and existential threats to our nations’ democracies, Brexit is not as important as we have allowed ourselves to imagine.