
How the euro divided Europe, and why countries like Bulgaria should not join – Project Syndicate, Oxford Union video & Keynote audio

This January marked the 20th anniversary of euro notes and coins circulating. In an op-ed published by Project Syndicate I argue that the euro was an unmitigated failure even by the criteria of its architects. This is an updated analysis of a keynote I delivered a few years ago at the Oxford Union – see […]

Un documentaire événement sur le Brexit ? Contribuez vite à son financement !

Ruptures et Front Populaire projettent de co-produire un documentaire-événement : « le Brexit vu du peuple ». Pour que celui-ci voie le jour, une cagnotte est mise en place, qui devra recueillir 50 000 euros d’ici mi-janvier. Nous avons besoin de vous : votre versement au plus tôt financera sa réalisation et alimentera la dynamique ! Un projet tout à […]

What Britain did to Ireland 100 years ago haunts today’s UK

File Photo: © Getty Images / Charles McQuillan The final cut in partitioning Ireland came with the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty 100 years ago. That colonial division of a nation, conducted as a fait accompli by British rulers, continues to have harmful repercussions. Ironically, it is today’s British rulers who are reaping the bitter […]

"Intégration européenne et démocratie sont incompatibles !" - Pierre Lévy

Pierre Lévy est journaliste. Homme de gauche, il est rédacteur en chef de « Ruptures », mensuel progressiste radicalement eurocritique. Il soutient et appelle à signer la pétition Pierre Lévy nous présente son journal. Il nous parle du silence des #médias sur l'UE, de la réussite du #Brexit, des avantages du #référendum sur l'#UE pour le #progrès social et la

Tribune Libre

Is Brexit The Beginning Of NIexit, How The Northern Ireland Might Exit UK?

Today we believe that countries sovereignty is the sacred obligation to everyone, and it’s just hard to imagine a country significantly expanding its territories. However, there are territories like Crimea, the situation there is complicated though. And the territorial wars are still accurate to this day. Another subject of argument is the island split between […]

BCE, Sommet UE-Russie et Endettement : Dernières nouvelles de Bruxelles – par Eric Juillot

La Suisse dit adieu à l’UE C’est officiel : les autorités suisses ont soudain mis un terme, le 26 mai dernier, aux négociations engagées 7 ans plus tôt pour renforcer les liens économiques entre leur pays et l’UE. « Les conditions nécessaires à la conclusion de l’accord ne sont pas réunies » a fait sèchement savoir le […]

Laying the Bear Trap: Orbán visits No 10 Downing Street

His comments would not have fallen on deaf ears.  While metropolitan London would have been aghast at his pedigree and remarks, a Brexit-audience in the rustbelts and areas of deprivation, would have felt a twang of appreciation.  For them, migration has not been a boon and glory.  For Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, it has been an […]
The post Laying the Bear Trap: Orbán visits No 10 Downing Street first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Dominic Cummings is our Machiavelli: with Brexit, lies served him, now the truth does

Remember how Dominic Cummings played a blinder over Brexit, spinning a web of deceptions, funnelled through politicians and the media, to persuade the public that Britain needed to quit the European Union so urgently it should do so on any terms, even ones that would sabotage the country’s interests. Well, he just did a Brexit […]