
Carole Cadwalladr Kicks Facebook's Ass-- The Petri Dish For Trump

Remember how Trump lied his ass off during the 2016 campaign about the "great healthcare" he would provide if voters elected him? No? You can watch him telling his health care lies here. Look at those morons behind him. Did the campaign rent them from Central Casting? How did he win? How? Yes, Hillary's horrible, and should have never been the nominee-- but not that horrible, not compared to what was then the alternative.

Farage to EU: “I’m Back! Need to Sweep Away UK Two Party System” (Video)

Nigel Farage spoke before the European Parliament ahead of the European elections, with his Brexit Party surging in the most recent polls, to warn the Brussels oligarchs, “I’m coming back – in fact, lots and lots of us are coming back!”
The Brexit Party leader told Juncker, Barnier, and MP globalist Guy Verhofstadt, that the time has arrived where UK citizens will now send a big message come May 23rd. Farage said that the the EU elections will mark a ‘new future for British democracy’

Nigel Farage stuns political elite, as Brexit Party and UKIP surge in polls (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a look at Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party’s stunning rise in the latest UK polls, which show Tory support splintering and collapsing to new lows. Theresa May’s Brexit debacle has all but destroyed the Conservative party, which is now seeing voters turn to UKIP and The Brexit Party.

May & Merkel finalize Brexit betrayal, but will Farage’s Brexit Party & UKIP have last laugh? (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine Theresa May’s final Brexit capitulation, where an extension granted by the European Union until October 31st, 2019, essentially means that a UK exit from the EU has been negated.
UK citizens voted in a referendum to exit the European Union, only to now have thrust upon them more EU rule…upcoming elections may see a meteoric rise of alternative parties, to counter the betrayal inflicted by Conservatives and Labour.

Grim Britain

If the whole ghastly debacle over Brexit has proven anything at all it’s how totally unfit for purpose the British parliament is. For those of us who have known that for a long time and campaigned vigorously for many years for its complete reformation this comes as no surprise. The whole shambolic system of Britain’s so-called democracy must be scrapped and replaced with a real democracy.

All Smiles. Theresa May Hands Over U.K. Sovereignty to the E.U. (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a look at Theresa May’s trip to Brussels to meet with E.U. leaders.
In the end, the EU27 agreed to a six month extension of Article 50. May and her EU counterparts agreed to an extension of Article 50 until October 31st, with a “review” in June, where, as Zerohedge reports, UK’s compliance with conditions (holding EU elections) will be determined.

Up The Wall

If a tragedy is watching disaster unfold and being powerless to stop it, then such is Brexit — a conundrum wrapped in an enigma as the saying goes. The UK parliament has voted on eight alternatives to the prime minister’s deal after voting it down.  These have all failed to get a majority.  They have voted twice more on the[Read More...]
The post Up The Wall appeared first on Countercurrents.