
Britain’s Brexit Armageddon

It has been an appalling period in British politics and government. Unlike any period experienced in living memory. The British State, once high and mighty, lording it over other nations with typical English condescension and patronising arrogance, has well and truly come crashing down to Earth with a very heavy bump thanks to Brexit. It will never be the same again.

EU earthquake. The Brexit Party polls higher than Labour and Tories, COMBINED! (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the continued rise of The Brexit Party, which now sees it’s polling numbers climb another six points in the past week, and polling higher than both Labour and The Conservatives, combined!
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Should Jeremy Corbyn commit to a second referendum? The Independent

Should Jeremy Corbyn adopt an unequivocal commitment to holding a second referendum? Under normal circumstances, it should be an easy question to answer: democrats who think of referendums as a useful injection of direct democracy into our system of representative government, should be in favour. And those who are sceptical of referendums should be against.

Alas, our circumstances have stopped being “normal” from the moment Leave won the June 2016 referendum.

Brexit – Can You Answer This Question?

There are, in our universe some unanswerable questions. Some of these questions have been asked since humans started to work out their place as a species in this world.
Is there a god? And if there is a god why has over 95 per cent of all humans that ever lived believed in the wrong god?
Is order more perfect than chaos? Or is chaos just a higher form of order? How will we ever know if we can’t explain it with logic and reason? Or scientific evidence?
Is the universe finite or infinite? What is on the other side of infinity?

DiEM25 and the European Parliament election in the UK: A proposal

DiEM25 members are currently debating our collective stance viz. the European Parliament elections in the UK (that, remarkably, may or may not take place). Since 2016, DiEM25 has been on the right side of history regarding Brexit. Our position was the result of a boisterous internal dialogue and a series of all-member votes that have decided our stance. Members have access to our internal Forum where this illuminating debate takes place. To participate, you must first join our movement (please visit our site and click on the Join button).