
Theresa May Cries As She Announces June 7 Resignation

Though it’s initial reaction was muted, GBP has moved decidedly higher in recent trade (after a brief selloff following May’s announcement), putting the British currency on track to end its record two-week losing streak of uninterrupted declines.

Conventional wisdom would dictate that May’s resignation could open the door for Brexiteers to seize control of the Conservative Party and steer the UK toward a ‘no deal’ exit. So why is the pound rallying? Lars Merklin, a strategist at Danske Bank, has a theory.

Spineless Tories unable to get Theresa May to resign, as Brexit fiasco hits new low (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris try to figure out why the hell the Conservative Party cannot figure out a way to get failed PM Theresa May, out of 10 Downing Street.
May’s latest Brexit withdrawal plan had her negotiating with Labour for a second referendum, should they support her fourth run at passing her withdrawal agreement, which was effectively a surrender of UK sovereignty to Brussels.

Is The U.K. About To Get A Trumpist Prime Minister?

New polling is scaring the hell out of both the Conservative Party and the Labour Party in the U.K. Voters who want to leave the EU are abandoning the Conservatives for Nigel Farange's far right Trumpist Brexit Party and Labour voters who want to remain in the EU are abandoning their own flip-floppy party for the Liberal Democrats.

Theresa May to resign in June. BREXIT sabotage plan goes for FOURTH vote (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss report from top Tory backbenchers, that claim UK Prime Minister Theresa May will resign from her post in June, after she give her failed Brexit plan a fourth go at passing Parliament.
Earlier this week failed and discredited UK PM May announced she would bring her hated Brexit withdrawal plans back for a fourth vote in the House of Commons.