
Europe in Irreversible Decay

Europe, an “old” colonialist continent, is decaying, and in some places even collapsing. It senses how bad things are going. But it never thinks that it is its own fault.
North America is decaying as well, but there, people are not even used to comparing. They only “feel that things are not going well”. If everything else fails, they simply try to get some second or third job, and just survive, somehow.

Brexit Failure Exposed: The Deceit, the Damage and the Daily Mail

This is a fascinating read for anyone engaged in the continually unfolding Brexit drama that is dominating the headlines and dining tables across Britain. Anthony Barnett is the founder of openDemocracy and in his book, The Lure of Greatness exposed is the lie that Theresa May was really a ‘remainer’ at heart, in fact, quite the opposite.

Lies in Politics: Boris Johnson, the Law and the European Union

An enduring memory of the 2016 Brexit campaign, so marked by the foppish-haired blusterer, Boris Johnson, was the claim that the European Union was hungrily drawing out from British coffers £350 million a week.  It was insufferable, unqualified and dishonest.  It was a claim reared in the atmosphere of outrageous deception marking the effort on all sides of the debate regarding Britain’s relationship with the EU.  But some deceptions

Thoughts on UK Politics

3.1% of those eligible to vote bothered to go to a polling station and vote Tory in an important UK wide election last week. That’s 1 voter in every 33. Yet the Tory Party is shortly going to choose internally, from within its despised ranks, the next Prime Minister of the UK, even though that Tory Party does not even command a majority at Westminster. That is how dysfunctional the UK constitution has become.

Marcus Follin - European Election & Rune Ban - Hour 1

Marcus Follin joins Henrik to talk about the European Elections 2019 and the proposed Rune ban by the Swedish Government.
A video version of this show is available here.
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Tonight We'll Get A Good Idea Of How Successful Putin Has Been In Doing To The EU What He Did To The U.S.

Señor Trumpanzee with Italian would-be Mussolini, Matteo SalviniIn Europe, voting for the EU Parliament ends today. But Holland and the U.K. went first-- on Thursday-- and unofficial Dutch results show a gargantuan loss for Geert Wilders, the far right hate-monger who was leading in the polls. This is how it looks right now for the the Dutch delegation (26 seats):

Should the UK leave NATO?

Submitted by George Callaghan…
NATO was founded to oppose a country and an ideology that no longer exist. There is no Soviet Union and there is no communism anymore. So why does NATO exist?
Russia is the principal successor state of the USSR. But Russia has only half the population of the USSR. It does not espouse a Marxist-Leninist philosophy. Flights between London and Moscow are full several times a day. There need be no bad feeling between the United Kingdom and the Russian Federation. NATO still perceives itself as an anti-Russian alliance.