
No Deal Chaos: The Brexit Cliff Face and Operation Yellowhammer

Britain’s Boris Johnson is driving his country to the cliff face, along the way mouthing and spouting all manner of populist reassurances.  Still fresh in the job, he declared that UK preparations for a no-deal Brexit on October 31, when Britain would leave the European Union, would receive a boost – a “turbocharge”, no less.  Michael Gove, now chancellor of[Read More...]

Boris Johnson Recklessly Picks at the Scabs of Ireland’s Violent Past

On 8 May 1987 a Provisional IRA unit of eight men attacked a police station in the village of Loughgall in county Armagh 15 miles from the Irish border. One man drove a digger with a bomb in its bucket towards the building, half of which was destroyed in the explosion. But British forces had been informed of the time and place of the assault and SAS soldiers waiting in ambush opened fire killing all eight Provisionals and a civilian.

There was no Russian hacking of the Brexit vote

Submitted by George Callaghan…
Remainers are sore losers. To lose with dignity is becoming of a gentleman. Before the 2016 everyone said they would accept the outcome. The United Kingdom has given effect to every referendum it has ever held.  The people defeated the plutocrats in 2016 but the result has still not been implemented. Remainers were clutching at straws for reasons not to honour the will of the people. Eurofanatics put about the canard that Russia somehow interfered in the referendum.

Predictably, Boris Johnson Is Off To A Disastrous Start As Prime Minister

The first test of Boris Johnson's premiership came yesterday. First, remember that Johnson wasn't elected to head the U.K. government by British voters, just by a small number of Conservative Party activists. The zany Trumpist who now heads the U.K. is far to the right of the general electorate and after his party's loss of a seat in Wales yesterday, has a working plurality in Parliament of exactly one vote.