
Brexit, Elections, Resignation…What is Boris up to? (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris try to decode what UK PM Boris Johnson is planning to do with Brexit following a House of Common’s coup against his no-deal strategy.
The UK, and the entire world, hangs on Boris’ next move.
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ON THE QT: Special BREXIT Update with guest Basil Valentine

Between Britain, Boris and Brexit, there are more twists and turns, subplots and backroom manoeuvres than anyone can possibly keep track of – but we think we’ve got a decent handle on it.
Listen to this special edition of ON THE QT at 21WIRE.TV, as host Patrick Henningsen discusses this week’s latest breaking developments in the UK with special guest Basil Valentine, breaking down what’s happening now – and what is due to happen next.
It’s definitely shaping up to be the epic political show-down of a generation…

Extra Time: What Truth Lurks Behind the Brexit Curtain?

As Britain ties itself in knots over the Brexit debacle, smart viewers are asking what agenda is really lurking behind this very British civil war. What is the over-arching objective the Brexiteers and who stands to gain (or lose) from the current UK Parliamentary deadlock? And what about the Irish – what role will they play in unlocking this political impasse?

21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen talks with Mike Robinson about these and other deeper issues at play. Watch:

UK COLUMN: Boris, Brexit, Corbyn and The Queen + Roger Waters gig for Assange

Brexit chaos has taken over Westminster this week, as Boris Johnson fights to stave-off a rebellion in his own party and beyond – as a rebel alliance of anti-No Deal MPs from all sides of the House band together to oppose the Tory leader’s plan to crash out of the EU on October 31st. Also, Pink Floyd co-founder, Roger Waters, makes history playing in front of the British Home Office to thousands of free speech demonstrators – all demanding the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. All this and more. 

Britain Enters the Brexit Endgame

With Brexit, Britain is facing down a regressive, authoritarian, oligarch-backed far-right political project.
Rachel SHABI
he BBC’s flagship current affairs program Newsnight described the challenge facing the British Parliament this week using footage from the Avengers: Endgame. Over the film’s rousing soundtrack, presenter Mark Urban proclaimed, “Whichever side you’re on, one thing’s clear: The final battle for Brexit begins when Parliament gathers its forces on Tuesday.”

When Rogues Prorogue Parliament

Britain, which sees itself as governed by the mothers of all parliaments, Westminster, has received a bitter taste of what occurs when a small minority of domestic political forces, who are teamed up with likeminded foreign actors, manage to prorogue – suspend – parliamentary rule for extremist purposes. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who became the occupant of Number 10 Downing Street after winning a majority of the votes of 160,000 members of the Conservative Party representing a paltry 0.2 percent of the electorate, was victorious over former Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt.

‘Chaos unseen since WWII’: UK parliament subverts democracy, leaves pre-Brexit Britain ungoverned

Via RT…
The Parliament’s vote to open debate on a motion blocking a no-deal Brexit leaves the UK in a state of chaos not seen since World War II, former MP George Galloway has told RT.
The step closer to blocking a no-deal Brexit “effectively takes the Brexit process out of the hands of [Prime Minister] Boris Johnson” and places it in the hands of the opposition and the Tory rebels, the former MP told RT following the vote on Tuesday.

Batty Boris' First Vote As PM-- Humiliating Defeat Over A No Deal Brexit

William Pitt The Younger, a Conservative, was elected to serve as Britain's youngest prime minister in 1783 (age 24) but that isn't why he is known as the Younger. That was to distinguish between himself and his father, who was prime minister a few years before him. Having lost his first election (the University of Cambridge seat) he was given a rotten borough by a family friend. He opposed Britain's continued war against the American colonies (the American Revolution) but spent much of his life fighting Napoleon.

Could Brexit Leave the UK Vulnerable to Pressure From US Hawks?

It’s supposed to make Britain more independent. But it might put her at the mercy of Mike Pompeo’s Iran policy.
Barbara BOLAND
By unyoking London from Europe, a no deal Brexit would unleash a titanic shift in global alliances that could strengthen Washington’s hand and help it achieve its “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran.
That’s an ironic turn of events for populists in the United Kingdom, who support Brexit because it will allow the British people to determine their own fate.