
Stop Press: The Queen’s Screech: Britain, Spain and Other Illnesses

Anti monarchist Soviet poster: “Once and for all”
There are some people — whereby I do not know how many — who recall the key elements of British colonial rule. I was fortunate enough not to live under it. My grandfather had no great admiration for the country where he was born, despite the almost rabid Anglophilia to be found even today in many surprising places.

UK & Ireland appear to have resolved BREXIT backstop. Is it enough to satisfy EU? (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss how the UK appears to be willing to make concessions to its plans for the Northern Ireland border after Brexit.
This follows a meeting last week at a country house in the north-west of England, between Boris Johnson and his Irish counterpart Leo Varadkar, where the two leaders agreed that there is a “pathway to a possible Brexit deal.”

Merkel sinks no-deal Brexit. Boris turns to Ireland to renew Theresa May deal (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss how Angela Merkel cunningly collapsed Brexit talks with Boris Johnson, stating that a deal was “overwhelmingly unlikely” without Northern Ireland “forever” staying in the EU’s customs union.
Now it looks like Boris Johnson has “promising” headway in an agreement with Irish PM Leo Varadkar, which would effectively breathe life into Theresa May’s “Brexit” agreement with the backstop effectively solved.
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Morgoth's Review - Extinction Rebellion, Our Future of Bugs & Pods - Hour 1

Morgoth's Review joins Henrik to talk about the many issues facing the United Kingdom. We begin on the Extinction Rebellion, a new climate weapon the globalists use to get even more money, power and influence. We talk about the promotion of bug eating and pod living. In the second part we discuss demographics, Islamization of England, rise in knife crime, corporate support of milkshake activism and Brexit.
A video version of this show is available here.

Will Chaos Result In Anarchy In The U.K.?

In 1834 William IV, a far right extremist-- who had once been the loudest voice against abolishing slavery-- fired Lord Melbourne, a Whig, as prime minister. That was the last time a British monarch fired a head of government. William was also the last member of the House of Hanover and the last British monarch to serve as king of Hanover. When he died 3 years after appointing-- despite the will of Parliament-- Sir Robert Peel, a Tory, as prime minister, he was survived by 8 illegitimate children he had had with his mistress, actress/former prostitute Dorothea Jordan.

Is Boris Johnson running out the BREXIT clock? (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit blueprint, which was greeted with optimism from within his Conservative party, only to have EU officials dismiss the plan as a non-starter.
With the Brexit deadline set for October 31, time is running out for PM Johnson and his EU counterparts to negotiate a new agreement.

Internal Dissolution: Brexit and the Disunited Kingdom

While the European family seems to be having its internal spats – populist sparks within threatening to light the powder keg – the marshals and deputies, for the most part, are attempting to contain the British contagion.  Britain is still scheduled to leave on October 31 without a deal with the European Union.  The divorce papers remain unimplemented, and the[Read More...]