
Tory – Brexit Party split Leave. Corbyn consolidates Remain. (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the beginning of snap election campaigning in the UK, post Brexit extension. Nigel Farage and The Brexit party announced it will field 600 plus candidates, smashing any hopes for pro-Brexit election alliance with the Tories.
Boris Johnson apologized to Tory members who voted for him to become party leader for not fulfilling his October 31st Brexit promise.

Boris Johnson Opts for His Santa Claus Election

Kenneth SURIN
BoJo ran out of rope when all his gambits intended to bounce parliament into accepting his Brexit deal got nowhere (as was widely predicted). The EU accepted his deal, but he wanted it rushed through parliament to meet his 31st October deadline, and parliament failed to oblige.
BoJo, never one to shun bombast, had promised to “die in a ditch” if Brexit did not take place by Halloween.
Few took BoJo’s deadline seriously, except for the hardline Brexit loons who hang on his every word.

UKC News: Trump’s Plays Farage on Brexit, US Playing PR Game with Syria’s Oil

This week, Trump inserted himself into the coming UK General Election and Brexit debate when he decreed that Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage must do a formal election pact with Tory leader Boris Johnson – ostensibly to pave the way for a post-Brexit US-UK trade deal, but is this also Washington’s way of keeping a Labour government out of power? Also, will a victorious Tory government maintain the new moratorium on Fracking? And what about Trump’s “Take the oil” gambit in Syria? Is it really about oil, or are these US troops photo ops masking a deeper agenda?

Henningsen: UK Election is About Brexit, But Economic Woes Won’t Go Away

Finally, after much parliamentary jiggery-pokery, a date for a UK General Election has been set – December 12th to be precise, and right in time for Christmas. Will PM Boris Johnson and the Brexit Party claim the majority they say they have in hand? Can Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn overcome his own inner-party gremlins of 2019? Certainly, if the election were held today, the Tories would walk to victory, but a lot could happen in 6 weeks. 

UKC News: Truth About Grenfell Inquiry, Boris-Farage Brexit Pact, USA Cold Blitz

Government Inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire disaster has been released, but does it really address the underlying issues about what caused Britain’s worst disaster? Also, Nigel Farage looks like he’s watered-down his Brexit orthodoxy and is ready to jump in the fold with Boris and the Tories come December. Will there be a backlash among Brexit purists? Also, record cold front has pounded America’s Midwest leaving some to ask whether or the sun is the real culprit. All this and much more on today’s Friday programme.