
The 2019 election

Submitted by George Callaghan…
It looks as though the Conservatives are headed for substantial victory. Boris Johnson came to office determined to make Brexit a reality and to call an early election. It is hard to decide what was a higher priority for him. BoJo is nothing is not astute. Looking at the chronicles tells any student of history that a prime minister who calls an election as soon as he takes office always wins.

Tories turn to destroy Brexit Party & with it any chance for a real Brexit (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Boris Johnson and The Conservative party offering Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party a ‘last-minute election pact’ which would limit the Brexit Party to target just 40 key seats in the upcoming UK elections.
This offer was made after Farage decided to withdraw candidates from 317 potential seats in order to work with the Tories to secure a ‘Leave’ majority government.

“Brexit, for all its ills, has reinvigorated British democracy” – Cambridge Union address, 8 NOV 2019

Last Friday (8th November 2019), I delivered a Cambridge Union address on (what else?) Brexit. My opening message was: “Instead of moaning about the state of British institutions, rejoice! For all its many ills, Brexit has reinvigorated British democracy.” Unlike most continental European parliaments, the House of Commons remains at the heart of decision making and, to boot, the British public are heavily engaged in a much needed re-assessment of Britain’s constitution and socio-economic model.