
Boris Johnson & Jeremy Corbyn hobble towards UK election finish line (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the final day before the UK elections, which AP News has described like “the country’s late-autumn weather: chilly and dull, with blustery outbursts.”
The last YouGov poll before the polls opens confirmed that Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party still has a strong lead, but YouGov was unable to rule out the possibility of a hung parliament.

Brexit – The Cover-Ups (That Will Change Britain Forever)

Since the Conservative party came to power in 2010, they have been mired in non-stop scandals including accusations of corruption and abuse of office, being funded by dark money donations and more recent very serious accusations of accepting campaign cash from individuals closely associated with a hostile government to influence Brexit. There are more scandals to come – one of them will be the big Brexit Cover-up

Tories on pace for majority government as Brexit dominates election cycle (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss elections in the UK and PM Boris Johnson’s course to win a parliamentary majority.
Johnson is on his way to win a majority of 68 seats in parliament at the December 12th election, according to a model from pollsters YouGov.
Johnson pledged to deliver Brexit by January 31st if he wins the election. The Labour Party is on course to secure 211 seats, down from 262 seats, according to The Times said. The SNP were on 43 and the Lib Dems on 13, according to The Times.