
Antisemitism has been used to smear the Left, while the Right targets Jews

The year ended with two terrible setbacks for those seeking justice for the Palestinian people.
One was the defeat in the British election of Jeremy Corbyn – a European leader with a unique record of solidarity with Palestinians. He had suffered four years of constant media abuse, recasting his activism as evidence of antisemitism.

GRIFTERS: Steele and Cadwalladr Still Spinning Debunked RussiaGate Conspiracy Theories

Just when you thought the epic RussiaGate fantasy fiction series was nearly dead and on life-support, the British Establishment reiterate their push by recycling tried and tested media operatives. 
The latest episode of the RussiaGate saga has to do with a supposed “fresh leak” of documents from data trawling and political consulting firm, Cambridge Analytica.  Some 100,000 documents are said to expose its dodgy dealings in 68 countries, claiming to show ‘global electoral manipulation’ on an ‘industrial scale.’

Not all Brexit Scenarios are Equal

Six days ago, the good folks at the Scottish Land Revenue Group posted a most pertinent graph on the United Kingdom’s present and projected economic course. It’s especially telling because Brexit under Johnson’s Government will be an utter betrayal of the pro-Brexiteer segment of the population, simply because the oligarchs behind the Tory party have a vested interest to [de facto] keep the United Kingdom inside the EU.

Boris sets December 2020 hard deadline for EU trade deal. EU “very worried” (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Boris Johnson’s negotiations with Brussels, as the end of January deadline fast approaches. The EU’s unelected President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, admits that the EU is ‘very worried’.
Von der Leyen warned that Brussels may need to extend the deadline for talks about a new trade relationship with the UK.

Thou Has It All Now, Boris – Except for Scotland and the UK

Now British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has won his mandate for Brexit in the UK general election – What next?
It is still sweet honeymoon season for Johnson and who can begrudge him? He has won the most decisive victory for his ruling Conservative Party in 32 years since its mythical Golden Age under Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher herself.

Brexit, Macron and Russia: Will 2020 be as Difficult for EU as 2019 Was?

Submitted by InfoBrics, authored by Paul Antonopoulos, Research Fellow at the Center for Syncretic Studies…
2019 has been a difficult year for the European Union (EU) and it appears 2020 will be no different with many challenges and issues remaining unresolved after a turbulent year. The most obvious issue is the lingering Brexit saga that was not achieved and questions remain whether it is likely to be achieved by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson with the looming January 31 deadline.