
Brexit ‘Finish Line’ Is Just Beginning of the End

The British parliament voted through the EU divorce bill last week, with the head of state Queen Elizabeth giving her symbolic assent. And so this week, on January 31, Britain is officially out of the continental bloc – after more than four decades of membership.
Boris Johnson, the British prime minister, was in self-congratulatory mode when he extolled the passing of the deal, saying: “At times it felt like we would never cross the Brexit finish line, but we’ve done it.”

A post-Brexit Britain will necessarily be aggressive

Submitted by InfoBrics, authored by Padraig McGrath, political analyst…
On January 19th, following his brief meeting with Vladimir Putin at the Libyan peace conference in Berlin, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s press office released the following statement:
“The Prime Minister said there will be no normalization of our bilateral relationship until Russia ends the destabilizing activity that threatens the UK and our allies and undermines the safety of our citizens and our collective security.”

Galloway: Boris Rejection of ‘IndyRef2’ Could Be Silver Lining for SNP

Will Westminster allow Scotland another referendum on independence from the United Kingdom?

This week, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson rejected a request from SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon for a second independence referendum. In a comment made to RT, broadcaster and former UK MP George Galloway described the snap reaction by the PM as contrary to the inherent right of self-determination.

2019 Was the Year the Truth no Longer Mattered

Submitted by InfoBrics, authored by Johanna Ross, journalist based in Edinburgh, Scotland…
New Year happens to be one of these rare moments in the news business when we pause to reflect on the greater context of the endless stories spouted out on a daily basis by an ever-growing variety of media platforms. And 2019 was one year which deserves more than a moment’s reflection. For it was an iconic year that saw more than ever the label ‘post-truth era’ used to describe the time in which we are living.