
Brian Eno’s message on Brexit day – and a reply

To my European Friends: I just wanted to tell you that, although my country has made the insane, childish and probably suicidal decision to leave Europe, I remain proud to be a European, and proud of the great social experiment that the EU represents. In my mind, I’m still in Europe, and that is where I will stay. For England it’s all over now, and the next generations will judge the results.

Brexit, History & Ballot Choice

In a mistaken version of Trump’s catch-cry “Make America Great Again” Make America Great Again, some British voters might have been led to believe that Brexit will Make Britain Great Again. They were convinced that the – never really – good old days of the British Empire would return by voting for Brexit. This is not to be. Capitalism and[Read More...]

UKC News: Questions About Brexit’s ‘New Dawn’, Trump-Kushner’s ‘Deal of Century’ Disaster

After three and half years of chutes and ladders, Brexit is finally here with pundits touting a ‘New Dawn’ for Britain, but will anything change? Also, we look at Trump & Sons supposed landmark ‘Deal of the Century’ for Israel and Palestine – on closer inspection it’s already an unmitigated political disaster for the White House, and not much better for Tel Aviv either. 
UK Column News co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with this week’s top stories. Watch:

Brexit Day, EU Duplicity & Coronavirus Vigilance Is Racism - FF Ep63

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik and guest host Jason Köhne cover the latest stories and important updates in episode 63 of Flashback Friday.
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Dear Britons – my message on Brexit day

By leaving us, you are making us sadder, poorer and more prone to the errors that made so many of you vote for Brexit. The only solace I take from your departure is the thought that Brexit will convince you that a European Union should be invented even if it did not exist. And that it will convince us, on the Continent, to democratise properly the one we have so as to serve our people’s needs and, yes, to lure you back as well.