
Is Brexit a ‘Win-Win’ or a Lose All Round?

In March 2016 Boris Johnson, then Mayor of London, now prime minister of the United Kingdom, declared that after Britain left the European Union he considered that “the prospects are win-win for all of us.” In the ensuing four years there has been much debate concerning the advantages or otherwise of Brexit, as the pullout became known, and unfortunately not all discussion was courteous or constructive.

Irish Elections: Republicans Sinn Féin in Surprise Win, Edging Out Centre-Right Parties

The recent Irish elections have sent shock waves through the country, and also to Great Britain. With more than three-quarters of seats filled, results are showing a historic performance for the left-wing, republican party, Sinn Féin.
In a tight three-way race, ruling party Fine Gael, led by Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, was edged out – although no one party secured enough seats to win outright majority.
Election results for first preference selections were as follows:
Sinn Féin 24.5%
Fianna Fáil 22%

Boris vs. Barnier. Both sides dig in as trade negotiations loom (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the trade deal negotiations between the UK and the EU, with both sides already digging in and taking tough positions, as both sides set up new trading rules post Brexit.
The EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier has already warned that the European Union will only agree to a trade deal with the United Kingdom if Boris Johnson gives European fishing boats access to UK waters.

Brexit Day

London — Parliament Square is the site, muddied by rain, trodden by hundreds who have made it their celebratory space.  The Leave Means Leave official website had been busy for weeks, thrilled about January 31 and the fact that that Britain would finally be leaving that beastly collective they know as the European Union.  Those who promised to be in attendance were the usual suspects of the Little England brigade who had been so successful in convincing citizens that leaving the European Union was tantamount to gaining one’s freedom from a stifli