
Johnson’s Government: From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

Having vanquished opposing political forces on the electoral battlefield, and in the absence of effective residual opposition at the dispatch box, our feisty and yet curiously elusive new executive is now at risk of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
A couple of months into our bold new ‘One Nation’ Conservative government, and with ‘Brexit Day’ now but a bleary memory, the UK finds itself beginning to wake up and wonder: “what have we done?”.

La défaite de Corbyn a anéanti la dernière illusion de la gauche – Par Jonathan Cook

Source : Consortium News, Jonathan Cook, 16-12-2019
La réalité est que l’oligarchie – les 0,001 % – contrôle notre vie politique sans interruption depuis 40 ans, écrit Jonathan Cook.
Pochoir du Premier ministre Boris Johnson, à gauche, et du travailliste Jeremy Corbyn.
Il s’agissait de l’élection de deux illusions.

EU is Now Deaf to Their Coming Defeat

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog:
Yanis Varoufakis once described negotiating with the European Union like you’re singing the Swedish National Anthem. No matter what proposal you put in front of them, they acted like they didn’t understand and simply reiterated terms.
But, at least then they heard something. It may have been gibberish to them, but at least sound waves made it to their ears.

With UK out, Macron unveils ‘nuclear weapons doctrine’ with France leading an EU army (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Emmanuel Macron’s speech where the French President unveiled his nuclear doctrine advocating for a more coordinated European Union defence strategy in which France, the EU’s only post-Brexit nuclear power, and its arsenal holding a central role.
Macron warned all those in attendance that the European Union ‘cannot remain spectators’ in the nuclear arms race.