
Filip Dewinter, Sam Van Rooy - Flemish Independence & Islamization of Europe

Filip Dewinter is a member of the Flemish Parliament and one of the leading members of Vlaams Belang, a Flemish nationalist party in the Flanders Region and Brussels of Belgium. He is the author of “Inch’Allah? The Islamization of Europe.” Sam Van Rooy is a spokesman for Vlaams Belang and the author and co-editor of “Islam: Critical Essays on Political Religion,” and “Europe Falters: The Abduction of Europe by the EU.”

Nick Cohen: Brexiteers are fascists, liars and charlatans whose only recourse is name-calling

OffGuardian | June 19, 2016 Mere days after the Guardian published no less than four different editorials criticising the tone of the debate, the poisoning of the atmosphere, and the contempt we have for our elected officials, Nick Cohen has bravely waded into the debate. Roundly condemning the modern wave of what he calls “paranoid […]

Brexit or Remain, the UK referendum is changing the country

On a recent visit to Paris almost everyone I met asked me the same question: “Are you British insane? Are you really going to vote to leave the European Union?”
Based on the most recent polls, despite the deep scepticism of those same surveys after the last General Election, I could only answer: “It looks that way.”
Cue disbelieving looks, gasps and snorts of Gallic derision, often followed by the words: “You can always come and live here.”