
Mark Collett - Brexit: The EU will Destroy Britain & the European People - Hour 1

Mark Collett has been involved in Nationalist politics his entire adult life. He is the former chairman of the Young BNP, the youth division of the British National Party (BNP). Later, Collett was Director of Publicity for the BNP and designed the campaign material that won the party a seat on the Greater London Assembly, two seats in the European Parliament and dozens of local councilors. In the past two months Mark has been hard at work promoting the Leave campaign for the forthcoming EU Referendum in Britain.

TTIP and the UK’s Misjudged EU Referendum Debates…

The big, final EU Referendum debate, held at Wembley Stadium on Tuesday night, seemed to do very little but reiterate both camps’ arguments and positions from recent weeks. Aside from giving Boris Johnson his dramatic “Independence Day” moment, both sides of the debate simply continued their same mixture of accusations, evasions and fearmongering. What is remarkable is that, […]

Brexit Tomorrow? Probably Not

Tomorrow the British are voting in a referendum to determine whether or not to leave the E.U. Leaving-- Brexit-- is being pushed by UKIP, the neo-fascist party and by Brits who wished they lived in America so they could vote for Trump. The feeling is mutual. Trump recently told Fox News "I don’t think anybody should listen to me because I haven’t really focused on it very much but my inclination would be to get out." Until one of the wing-nuts stabbed to death Jo Cox, a Labour Member of Parliament, it looked like they were going for Brexit.

Something Strange Emerges When Looking Behind The “Brexit” Bookie Odds

(ZHETwo days ago Zero Hedge pointed out something surprising: according to Ladbrokes’ head of political betting, Matthew Shaddick, the key catalyst that moved bookie odds on Monday morning, the first day after the suspended campaign in the aftermath of Jo Cox murder was resumed, “we took a £25,000 bet on Remain this morning which he

The Left and the EU: Why Cling to This Reactionary Institution?

By Joseph Richardson | CounterPunch | June 22, 2016 Why is it that many people who consider themselves left-wing have such difficulty grasping that the EU is a deeply reactionary institution? The mere fact that those running the EU present it as an internationalist venture dedicated to the creation of a world free of nationalist […]

How “Left Remain” Campaigners Abandoned the Working Class: Lesser Evilism in the EU Referendum

By Thomas Barker | CounterPunch | June 22, 2016 There are few illusions about the reformability of the EU on the left, even amongst those campaigning for Remain. Paul Mason has stated that “it is impossible for the EU to be a democracy”. The ex-Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has described the “point blank refusal” […]