Bret Stephens

The New York Times is on the War Path, Again

No shortage of pundits willing to lecture presidential administrations on how best to wage war exist in United States media. But few of them come off as pompous and zealous as New York Times columnist Bret Stephens does in his latest op-ed on Syria.
Stephens’ couches his warmongering in a story about a family trip to Israel, where he took his kids to “have a closer look at Syria.” It is positively colonial.

Surrounded by Neocons

They are all the news that fits By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • January 9, 2018 Award winning journalist James Risen has recently described in some detail his sometimes painful relationship with The New York Times. His lengthy account is well worth reading as it demonstrates how successive editors of the paper frequently cooperated […]

America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars

Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East? Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • September 19, 2017 I spoke recently at a conference on America’s war party where afterwards an elderly gentleman came up to me and asked, “Why doesn’t anyone ever speak honestly about the six-hundred-pound gorilla in the room? Nobody has […]

Does Anyone Ever Win When They Make A Deal With The Devil?

I got stuck in some kind of a traffic jam in the Valley yesterday. The freeway just stopped. It wasn't moving slowly; it wasn't moving at all. And it was humid and around 90 degrees and I hate A/C. The one redeeming part of this little adventure was that Terry Gross had Joshua Green as her guest on Fresh Air and I could concentrate on that.

Journalists' Unique Role In Resisting The Fascist Take-Over

Team Trump is going around the world telling people to ignore what Trump himself says. When the cameras are rolling, the Trumpists are just delivering an alternative message-- the opposite of what Trump says on a wide range of topics. When the cameras aren't rolling, they've been letting European leaders know that what Trump says for domestic consumption is just to placate or arouse his feeble-minded and drugged up fans and that most of it isn't related to actual American policy goals.

Wall Street Journal’s racist reaction to the kidnapping of Israeli youths

By Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgThe Talmudic mentality suffuses the Wall Street Journal where there is one standard for The Holy People and another for Palestinians. Columnist Bret Stephens (July 1, p. A11) decrees that the Palestinian people are part of "a culture that celebrates murder" and "is not fit for statehood."Can anyone imagine the Wall Street Journal declaring this about the Israelis, who celebrate most types of violence against Palestinians, and Arabs in Lebanon?