
U.S. Medical Body: Risks of Thyroid Cancer Screenings may Outweigh Benefits

A U.S. health task force said in a May 2017 statement that screening for thyroid cancer is no longer recommended for adults who have “no signs or symptoms.” [1]
The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force said in the news release that there is no evidence that screenings improve survival and can lead to over-diagnosis and other possible complications.
Task Force member Karina W. Davison, Ph.D., M.A.Sc., said:

Study: Fracking may Increase Asthma Flare ups by 50%

A new study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), suggests that fracking may contribute to higher instances of asthma. It was recently found that those who lived near fracking sites had a more difficult time controlling their asthma than those who did not.
While the study involved 35,000 people living with asthma, the journal stated that the sample size was too small and that it is not proof of an effect at this time. Further studies will be conducted to attempt to find a correlation.

Pesticides as Bad for Kids’ Lungs as Cigarettes, Says New Study

No one would hand a five-year-old a package of Marlboro Red cigarettes and tell her to smoke up! But that’s what exposing our children to pesticides is like, according to a new study from the Center for the Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas, CHAMACOS.
Chronic exposure to pesticides is as bad for children’s lungs as secondhand cigarette smoke, which we’ve learned over the years is often worse than first-hand smoke.

19 Second Breathing Technique Induces Sleep ‘Almost Instantly’

The many pressures of life have contributed to a veritable epidemic of insomnia. People young and old, rich and poor everywhere have problems getting to sleep at night. Because the relentless stresses of post-modern life constitute the primary cause, insomnia does not seem to discriminate against any particular demographic … except one.