Breakaway regions

Kiev to allow foreign armed forces in Ukraine, incl. ‘potential carriers of nukes’

RT | June 5, 2015 The Ukrainian parliament has adopted amendments to state law allowing “admission of the armed forces of other states on the territory of Ukraine.” The possible hosting of foreign weapons of mass destruction is also mentioned in the documents. Amendments to Ukrainian law were adopted on Thursday by the Verkhovna Rada, […]

Russia will do whatever necessary to protect its legitimate interests – Lavrov

RT | August 25, 2014 Russia doesn’t want to escalate tit-for-tat sanctions with the West, but is ready to do whatever is necessary to protect its legitimate interests, including those of national security in all its dimensions, Russia’s FM told The Daily Telegraph. Peace in Ukraine can only be attained through a broad national dialogue […]

Netanyahu endorses Kurdish independence citing chaos in Iraq

RT | June 29, 2014 Citing the “collapse” of Iraq amid the ISIS insurgency and sectarian violence, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has endorsed the de-facto independence of Iraqi Kurds. Netanyahu has also called to support the “Kurdish aspiration for independence.” The hawkish Israeli leader said on Sunday that Kurds are “fighting people that has […]