
5 Health Takeaways of Essential Spices in Your Diet

In a world where everyone appreciates a meal that’s both visually and gustatorily satisfying, the gourmet experts utilize just the right foods for zest and flavor. But where taste and display go hand in hand, one often forgets to give due credit to the salubrious properties of foods. Have you ever thought about the health-boosting advantages of these minuscule condiments, in addition to their ability to make your meal zesty?
If not, here are 5 health benefits of including essential spices in your diet that you must know.

This Vitamin is Vital for Preserving Brain Health

Around 90% of people aren’t getting enough of an important nutrient that could prevent Alzheimer’s and other degenerative neurological diseases. It is an easy vitamin to get if you are eating the right foods, and of course you can supplement, but many people don’t realize how simple and effective it can be for treating brain disease.

Love Napping? It Could Actually Improve Memory Fivefold, Study Says

If there is one thing everyone loves in this hectic society we’ve created for ourselves, it’s a nice nap. But like drinking coffee or a glass of wine, some people feel guilty indulging in an afternoon slumber. But the good news is that napping can actually have numerous positive effects on the mind and body – with one recent study suggesting that taking a nap can improve memory fivefold.

LIONEL PODCAST: Killing Kids’ Imagination And Soul One Grade At A Time

Why in the hell do we even bother teaching kids in the first place? Anatole France said that “[t]he whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.” Look how we destroy their spirit. In this simple Friday disquisition is my look at imagination and the brain. Inter alia, of course.

Research Discovers This Degenerative Disease to Develop in 20’s

Until now, the development of Alzheimer’s was only thought to begin in late age, where proteins known as amyloid plaques begin to develop in the brain. But recent research suggests that the development of this brain-destructive disease may start in our early 20’s – finding that these proteins start to accumulate around this time.

Study Finds Beer Compound to Protect the Brain, Prevent Alzheimer’s

Recent research has given us at least one good to drink some brew. The new study has identified a compound in hops known as xanthohumol (or Xn) which has been shown to improve cognitive function and help slow dementia. In other words, the scientists suggest that people who regularly drink beer might be better able to ward off the progression of neurological diseases.