
Could Air Pollution Be Causing More Traffic Accidents?

Poor weather, cell phones, radios, alcohol, and jerks: we think of these as some of the most common causes of car accidents. However, scientists at the London School of Economics say that air pollution, of all things, should be added to that list.
Researchers say they looked at 5 years’ worth of data and found that when levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) rose just a microgram per cubic meter, the number of car crashes increased by 2%. [1]

Cheap, Tasty, and Harmful to Your Health: Ramen Noodles

Ramen noodles are cheap, easy to make, and they taste good, which is why so many college kids live on them in school. I know I did. You can buy a whole box of them for just a few bucks. Between instant noodles, Lucky Charms, and cappuccino, I ate like I had a death wish in college. And though indulging in the occasional cup of noodles won’t kill you, but living on them could shorten your life.

Survey: Most Parents Following Outdated Advice for Concussions

A survey released by UCLA found that when dealing with children’s concussions, most parents are doing more harm than good by following outdated advice.
Dr. Christopher Giza, a pediatric neurologist at UCLA, has stated that concussion symptoms used to be downplayed. Now, however, parents err too far on the side of caution, which might interrupt the child’s recovery.
Giza said of the results of his survey:

Could Alzheimer’s Be Treated with Period Pain Medication?

Although there is no accepted treatment for Alzheimer’s yet, a new study shows that we may find a little hope in a common period pain medication drug. In fact, it may completely reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
The research, led by Dr. David Brough at the University of Manchester, found that the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), mefenamic acid, which is often used to treat menstrual pain, was able to completely reverse symptoms of Alzheimer’s in mice. But could the benefits extend to humans?