
Wages Against Ex Machina

Wages Against Ex Machina The Ochelli Effect 1-15-2021 Roundtable Wages Against Ex Machina What is the state of the state? Who is paying for the Bio-Tech Vax disaster? Why is Ukraine buying medical stuff from China? B Pete co-hosted the Friday Night Open Mic once again. It seems like 2021 is going to just [...]
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Right-Wing Spin Wrong

Right-Wing Spin Wrong The Ocheli Effect 1-8-2021 Roundtable Right-Wing Spin Wrong What happens when Chuck is too sick to offer a good argument to his co-hosts right-wing spin? The Know-Nothing movement of the past is reborn. The situation on Capitol Hill the Trumpers and their array of apologists who wish to now blame ANTIFA [...]
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Ukraine Russia Chessboard Media

Ukraine Russia Chessboard Media The Ochelli Effect 1-1-2021 Roundtable Ukraine Russia Chessboard Media Regular Joe and Mrs.O joined Chuck and B Pete in the first hour to get the conversation rolling. Domestic concerns were what took up most of the hour. Does it matter who bought and paid for your alleged representatives? Emir and [...]
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Follow Money Premium Gasoline

Follow Money Premium Gasoline The Ochelli Effect 12-29-2020 Roundtable Follow Money Premium Gasoline B Pete co-hosted the Wednesday show which appears to be the last Ochelli Effect of 2020. Where does the money go things get funded in public and private partnerships? What is the real deal with criminal congress cash-outs? Do fat lesbians [...]
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Open Lines Seasons Meetings 1

Open Lines Seasons Meetings 1 The Ochelli Effect 12-25-2020 Roundtable Open Lines Seasons Meetings 1 B Pete and Chuck take a bunch of calls on Christmas Night. Is everyone having a few drinks? The Bomb in Memphis, The Pandemic, and many other ways to look at the New or Old World Disorder are all [...]
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Open Lines Seasons Meetings 2

Open Lines Seasons Meetings 2 The Ochelli Effect 12-25-2020 Roundtable 2 Open Lines Seasons Meetings 2 B Pete and Chuck take a bunch of calls on Christmas Night. Is everyone having a few drinks? The Bomb in Memphis, The Pandemic, and many other ways to look at the New or Old World Disorder are [...]
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Nobody Called Friday Night

Nobody Called Friday Night The Ochelli Effect 12-18-2020 B Pete Nobody Called Friday Night Snowflakes fall heavily in the North East. Thanks For Smoking when you got smokes. One nation under the rod. Drinking by numbers. Mrs.O is making Pizza and nobody called-in. Cowardice is not permitted. How much have you lost? Threaten the [...]
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Hot Dogs Cool Cats Roundtable

Hot Dogs Cool Cats Roundtable The Ochelli Effect 12-11-2020 Roundtable Hot Dogs Cool Cats Roundtable We skipped along the news pond and landed in the pet zone. On the Friday Night Open Mic broadcast, we discussed the odd goings-on related to stray cats in the Ochelli neighborhood. Glenn Viklund, Captain Tripps, and Mrs.O Joined [...]
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Finding Napoleon Paid Experimentation

Finding Napoleon Paid Experimentation The Ochelli Effect 12-4-2020 Roundtable Finding Napoleon Paid Experimentation People might get paid to get shots! Mrs.O lost her puppy! The Big Pharma Monster is real! Who let the dog out? On a Friday night, Open Mic Chuck and co-host B Pete covered a lot of ground with outrage from [...]
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Extended Issues Under Consideration

Extended Issues Under Consideration The Ochelli Effect 11-27-2020 Roundtable Extended Issues Under Consideration With all due respect, we get into the deep side of many things. Co-host B Pete handled another Friday Night Open Mic and we had some callers. Medical stranger days are coming wrapped in propaganda. What is the reality of the [...]
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