Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)

BDS must expose British MPs’ unnatural devotion to a foreign power that practices apartheid

Time to target the worst villains of all
BDS must expose our MPs’ unnatural devotion to a foreign power that practises apartheid, defies international law and terrorises children
 by Stuart Littlewood
Last week David Cameron, addressing Israel’s Knesset, pledged to defeat any boycotting of Israel. “Britain opposes boycotts,” he said without having consulted the British people on the matter.

‘Boycott Israel’ app in final stages of development

The Boycott Israel movement is developing a smart-phone application that will allow followers to avoid Israeli products. The campaign for Palestinian rights continues to gather momentum, despite Israeli accusations of anti-Semitism.
The BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement is working on the Beta version of an app for its supporters. Drawing on a comprehensive database of warehousing product names and descriptions, the app will allow users to scan products to find out immediately whether they fall within the boycott’s guidelines.

Anger as Cameron tries to superglue Britain to Israel

Prime Minister is asking to be targeted by BDS
 by Stuart Littlewood   
(London) The other day I signed a ‘Get Well’ petition for Palestinian youngsters Adam and Johar who were viciously maimed and crippled by the British Government’s ‘friends’ in Israel .

BDS action protesting the Batsheva Dance Company in Adelaide by the Australian Friends of Palestine Association

(Editors Note) Congratulations to Australian Friends of Palestine Association (AFOPA). Your action will inspire continued growth of the BDS movement during 2014. The boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement has again shown that it represents an increasingly effective form of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality