
"For Republicans, the hard part is about to begin" (Dana Milbank). Plus, the Borowitz Report reads the exit polls

"Isn't this political ad wonderfully false and misleading?"" 'I really think it's time for a change,' said Carol Foyler, a memory-loss sufferer who cast her vote this morning in Iowa City. 'I just feel in my gut that if these people were in charge they'd do a really amazing job with the economy.' "Harland Dorrinson, who voted in Akron, Ohio, and who has no memory of anything that happened before 2013, said his main concern was a terrorist attack on American soil.

There was something radical enough in the pope's remarks about Teh Gays to scare the crap out of the Church's righteous homo-haters

"This is the worst coverage of a religious story I have seen to date."-- Father Jonathan Morris, in "What Pope Francis reallysaid about gays -- and no, it's not new," on"I wasn't great at judging homosexuals my first year in the job, either.