Borneo Deforestation

Borneo: Island Devastated, People Oblivious

By Andre Vltchek and Mira Lubis From Indonesian Borneo (Kalimantan): She was just standing there, in the middle of burning land, surrounded by stumps of trees, fire everywhere, smoke rising towards hopelessly gray sky. The expression on her face was mischievous, almost girlish. I had no idea how old she was: she could have been 28, just as she couldeasily[Read More...]

Borneo (Kalimantan): A Frontline For Survival Of Our Planet

INVESTIG’ACTION interview with ANDRE VLTCHEK Q1:You are preparing a new documentary film about a big island, Borneo, which is shared by three Asian countries. Which was the triggering factor for making this film now? AV: The triggering factor was a simple shock. I’m not what you’d call an environmentalist. Of course I care about our planet, about our wonderful creatures, plants,[Read More...]