
Apologetics Class 2: Big Discord AMA: Philosophy, Eschatology & More – Jay Dyer

In the second Apologetics class, I am uploading today’s Discord AMA on the popular Politics discord, which has hosted Stefan Molyneux, Destiny and others for in-depth AMAs. Here, the focus ends up on philosophy and theology, covering ethics, transcendental arguments, my past debates, Roman Catholic issues, Orthodoxy, and eschatology. You can join their large debate forum here.

CIA, CFR, Castro & Cuba – Dialectical Psy Ops (Half)

This is the repaired free half, while the full talk is already available to subscribers to  In this classic installment, I consider the polarizing figure of Fidel Castro in relation to the numerous tales of CIA subterfuge and “assassination attempts,” as well as the larger picture of how the CIA works under the CFR to control Latin America, and thus how Latin American operations are a microcosm of how the rest of the sectors are managed – from the Middle East to Eurasia.


IT 2 is Creeper! REVIEW! Also I’m Illuminate Confirm! Jay Dyer

Last time I made a video about IT and tied it to Harvey, as that was in the news at the time, but having never seen the old IT in the 80s, I wasn’t aware (spoiler) IT was a danged alien. Aliens aliens aliens. Yawn. Once again the tale is gnosticism – the only tale Hollywood can tell. Also, I just got exposed as Illuminate CONFIRM so I weep and find solace in the sweet voice of BONO of the U2 BAND.

Jasun Horsley & James Corbett: The Robo-Nanny State

Well, I've got to admit this interview was a real treat for me!Jasun Horsley's site has been linked in the sidebar for some time now. If you missed it? Here it is again: Auticulture This interview gives me the opportunity to mention Jasun's latest book. Which, I just so happened to have finished reading a couple of months back. Was it thought provoking, interesting and imminently readable? Yes, it was.Is it recommended?

Bush Legacy: CIA Postmodernism and the Postmodern Imperium – Jay Dyer

In this video I review and analyze the geopolitical work of former Soviet and U.N. advisor Eric Walberg. I cover his take on 20th century Atlanticism and power blocs, as well as cover actions and black ops. I also critique the weakness of his position from an ambiguous liberal moralism which both affirms universal imperatives while simultaneously critiquing imperialism on the basis of extending ideas universally – apt timing given the death of Bush, Sr.

Jack Blood’s Real Identity You should Know

Jack Blood is the real role model for many people to always be bold revealing the truth. From his radio show namely Jack Blood Show, he tries to make a revolutionary on the radio. However, the real identity of Jack Blood has not clearly revealed to the world. Yet, some agents have successfully collected some information regarding Jack Blood’s real identity.